Saturday, July 30, 2022

Waterfall at Mt. Rainier


Here's that photo of the kids by the waterfall...

Right now we're in South Padre Island. Kids are still asleep, I'm on the back patio. My back is toast from two weeks in foreign beds...

Between Seattle and now a long Texas trip, we've been on the road almost three of the last four weeks!

We miss Grandma, our dog and our home. Evey and Adrianne also miss Mittens.

We're going to go do another day on the beach. The beach just beats me up. I'm not as young as the kids but I still try to boogie board with them and that workout is hard on me. It is fun though, in the moment. It's the before and after that I dread.

Evey and I walked around Port Isabell last night and scored a couple good root beer floats. That was a good close to a long day.

Oh, and we returned to Wanna Wanna and the burgers, like always, were amazing. 

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