Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Don't you be my neighbor

Check out the new flag! Not bad for $15 on eBay!


Story in the LJW this evening that they will be rezoning the land across the road and allowing folks to buy smaller 10-acre lots, if they put hobby farms on the land. Kind of sad... we were here less than a year and now the open prairie across the road will be neighbors.

But maybe it'll be a good thing. Just change like that, makes me nervous. Can't control it though, either.


Boyd is playing Shark Bite on xBox now. Whatever that is. Looks ok. Girls are upstairs, Evey is watching an animated movie with a fox in it. Adro is on her laptop.

I mowed most of the yard tonight. Also hung up a mirror in the dining room... in the above photo, imagine it centered on that black-and-white wall. The mirror job has me in good standing with the Missus right now.


Copy J posted the funniest thing I've seen on Facebook in a long time today, something from Twitter I think...

There are two types of people. The ones that pack six days before a trip, and the ones that wake up day-of and realizes they have to do a load of laundry. And they marry each other. 

That sums up Adro and I perfectly!


The Guvnah announced today that school won't re-open until after Labor Day this year.

The pandemic rolls on. We're all doing well here. Hope you are too.

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