Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Farewell 709

Big news from the Joneses...

We moved!!!

After 10 years (almost to the day) of living in the old house, we decided to move the fam to a sweet abode in the nearby country. It's still a Eudora address, but it's much more rural. 

The attached photo is the last time I mowed the old yard. And it felt good. That house was good to us. We loved it there. It was just the right time to move on.

The good news is the kids, Adrianne and I all couldn't be happier with the new digs. We're still getting adjusted and we're still unpacking some boxes... but the sunsets and the sunrises at the new casa are just beautiful. The stars are so bright. And my cell phone service? Nonexistent. 


If the photos on the blog look like a different setting, now you know why. We've been at the new place a little over a month. Many of my friends helped us move out of the old place. And I credit Adrianne with the savvy of finding this new place and making it happen. Much like ten years ago, I was just along for the ride.

We look forward to getting the new place all put together and in having our friends over to visit. Just not yet... we're still getting out of boxes!

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