Monday, October 7, 2019

Happy 8th birthday Boydee!

Happy 8th birthday Boydee!

We celebrated Boyd's birthday at Worlds of Fun on Sunday (his birthday was Saturday... but I had tickets to KU/OU, and Evey had a volleyball tourney, so we postponed the big celebration for a day.)

It was great because Boyd can now ride most of the rides... and the weather was overcast, sprinkles at times... but overall, a good day to be outdoors for 6 hours.

The craziest moment for me, by far, was when the kids joined Judy on the Bamboozler... a ride that terrifies me. I thought for sure there would be tears, vomiting, etc. But instead, the kids wanted to ride it again... immediately! And there was no line, so they jumped right back on.

I can't even watch this ride, it makes me sick. And the kids and Judy loved it.

A good day at Worlds of Fun. I'm sure we'll be back next year.

And next year: we avoid the 50s diner and instead go for burritos!

1 comment:

Grandma Judy said...

It was so much FUN!!!!