Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Controversy! Bad food, bad ratings, bad blogs!


In South Padre, we eyewitnessed a bad food combo... demonstrated by Alan from McAllen... 

What is that? Pretty sure that's a hot dog with... macaroni salad... ketchup... refried beans... who knows what else???

Boyd could hardly believe his eyes!



Tonight at dinner we had an epic feast! Chicken quesadillas, refried beans and Spanish rice! It was great!

We even had a MENU.

But then dessert came, and Boyd got salty. He started to complain about the cook, the service... and he went from a 5-star review to a 1/2 star review!

Well, guess what, Bub? You bring the least to the table in terms of food prep, service, etc. So we'll see how your meal is tomorrow!!!



After 12-plus years and more than 1,700 posts.... Mom has a new favorite blog.

What is this blog? I'm not sure, exactly. We're told about it nightly, though, and it documents a friend of Evey's, and her and her mom's (and maybe some siblings?) trek across the U.S.

It sounds great, really. Apparently there was a snake(!) in a canoe in a recent installment. This may have been post No. 1,700, but it's more likely it was post No. 17.

It just goes to show... like Alan's hot dog or Bub's review... you gotta be careful, 'cause it can go from good to bad QUICK!

(Just kidding babe, I know you still think this blog is No. 1!)

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