Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Chillin' with Lydia

Bub took the rest of the afternoon off swimming on Saturday to hang with his cousin Lydia!

Well, it may have also been a little because his eyes were burning, but still... cute!


Grilled steaks tonight. I thought I had the recipe figured out... but alas, these steaks turned out bland. 

Back to the drawing board.


Was in Colorado the last couple days. Saw some beautiful scenery! Stayed in Grand Lake, Colo. Got in 18 holes of golf. 

It's beautiful there, but I'm happy to be home, where the air is filled with actual oxygen.


School has started back up! I'll have photos and a full report soon.

First impression: it was weird dropping off Bub and not having Evey jump out with him. I told Evey this as we drove away in the truck. 

Her response?

"Oh Dad, he'll be fine! ...I get four choices at lunch!"

The karma police nabbed Evey right then as it turned out, her class is the last group to lunch... and the four choices were down to one.

Chicken nuggets or chicken nuggets?

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