Saturday, January 31, 2015

Kobe Steakhouse

On Tuesday Evey had her "First Reconciliation" or somesuch — it's a Catholic thing, and a big deal, I'm told. So I told Adro we needed to do something cool for Evey to celebrate the reconciling.

So we went to KOBE STEAKHOUSE in Lawrence. It was Adrianne and the kids' first time there.

Adrianne's response was, "You mean that place where you once saw the rat?" And that was a looooong time ago, when it was a different place. But I could tell she was nervous.

Then we got there... and guess what? Adrianne said I 'was right' to suggest we go someplace new, different, exciting... because we all had a blast. Now, we also almost missed Evey's Reconnection... but we had a great time. (OK, we were just a little late, and then stuck in the church for two hours.)

If you haven't been to Kobe, it's a Japanese steakhouse, where the chef cooks on the flat-top grill in front of you. The fire balls, the onion volcano... it's pretty mesmerizing for me, I can only imagine what the kids thought.

The bill came to $70 (including tip) but it did feed the family for two dinners (yes, leftovers) and one late night drunken snack for me. And I had two beers with dinner, too.

Happy Recollection, Evey!


The Leprechauns won the game today, but the game was frustrating.

I was accused of yelling at Evey... I did yell, actually, at the top of my lungs. But that was just to get her attention. Once she came over to me, I calmly told her to shoot the ball like she meant to make it. (This was after her leaving back-to-back shots short.)

Evey gave me a look, so maybe my wisdom was misplaced. It happens.

Also the first time I complained to the ref this season. But one of their kids was abusing the loose interpretation of the rules for 2nd graders. My complaint was, hey, a double dribble, OK... but this kid is scoring points off a quadruple dribble! That's a little too lax, especially when the kid clearly understands the rule he's bending.

Within 5 seconds of my complaint, she lit the kid up with a traveling call. That didn't make me feel very good about myself.

Oh well, we won, and I'm told the kids are getting better. It's a fun team. I hope Evey is enjoying it. She is definitely getting better each week.

From hoops, we went to the Rockholds and watched the KU/KSU game. Good to see those guys. Our kids are very similar in age, so it makes for a nice, relaxing time that the kids have someone to play with so the adults can just kinda chill. Boydee was really excited to "play with Spencer," he kept telling us, so that's cool.

From there, back home. I cooked dinner, baked chicken and veggies. Boyd managed to interrupt our peaceful dinner to somehow get a turd on the bathroom floor and subsequently step on it. I knew something terrible happened based on Adrianne's yelp. But everyone apologized to everyone, and we're just happy that Boydee is doing so good on his potty training, and I'm also kind of impressed that he has found a way to miss the toilet with a turd. I kinda want to see that, especially if we're ever in Columbia, Mo.

Everybody kinda quieted down after dinner. I managed to get a little work in, but I've got a long ways to go. (This post is my work break.)


Super Bowl Sunday tomorrow. I'm taking the Patriots by a lot, but I'll be kinda rooting for the Seahawks. Really don't care for either team.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Evey was reading this book as she walked out of school today... Then, an hour later, she was telling me how it ended!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday funnies

Good shot of the kiddos enjoying the gifts they received from my Colorado trip: two Scooby-Doo team-up comics, one with Wonder Woman (for Evey) the other with the Super Friends (for Boyd).

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Saturday in January of 2015

It's 10:22 p.m. on a Saturday night. An episode of "Batman" from 1967 is on TV. My 3-year-old son is next to me watching the show as I type, two hours past his bedtime.

How did I get here?


Talk about an unlikely Saturday...

Evey's game was at noon today. Her team won a close one. Evey had a rebound or two, maybe a steal... and not much else. But she played hard.

After the game, we reconvened here at the house. No real event scheduled, just sorta one of those days that just happened...

So imagine, if you will, this unusual cast of characters:

  • The Jones family: Adrianne, Evey, Boydee and me
  • Grandma Judy and Great-Grandma Virginia
  • Bart and Lynette Littlejohn (Bart is our assistant coach)
  • Khali, a friend of Evey's 
  • Snickers the Dog
So yeah, we had a house full. And it was fun! I mean, imagine the conversation on a sunny (and warm) Saturday afternoon between 88-year-old Virginia and 37-year old Bart... while both have a cold beer in hand?

It was one of those Saturdays you had to be here to believe.

For example, did you know Virginia was a big fan of Golfdom? That's something I learned today.

We watched the Jayhawks play (and win) a fine game against UT, ordered a few pizzas, went out for more beer... and just had a good time, overall.

Boyd even fell asleep on the couch at one point, enabling us to watch the Tech/ISU game!

A random, fun Saturday, for sure.


Despite Boyd's boycott of sleep (and at this point, I'm just curious to see how late he goes) ((update: 10:15 p.m., he's still fighting it.)), he's been really good lately.

He's pretty much* done with diapers. He's been behaving himself lately. And he's just as cute as a button.

I'm pretty sure I was this cute at his age. And, actually, I'm pretty sure I watched a lot of old Adam West Batman episodes when I was his age, too.

I like this kid's style.


I'm off to a lousy start on the blog in 2015. However, I did celebrate some success in 2014.

I blogged more in 2014 (129 posts) than I have since 2010... when I posted 189 posts.

I think I did make a new year's resolution to blog more in 2014 than I had in previous years. And if that is true, then boo-yeah, mission accomplished, people.

And then I get off to a slow start on 2015.

What the dealy?


I'll tell you: I've been on the road most of 2015.

I was in Charlotte (got to see the new Lervik abode... nice!) and South Carolina three weeks ago, for a few days...

Then I was on a secret mission two weeks ago, for a day... followed by a night in Denver, then a day in Vail (ouch) and a few more days in Denver, for the STMA show...

Then this last week, my new associate editor, Buddy, was in town Monday-Thursday, so we could talk about the magazine, some big ideas, etc. I also took him on the beer tour of Lawrence, but sadly, not enough time to do that Boulevard tour...

So that leaves me to today. Glad to be home, with my feet up, doing intermittent laundry, not worried about checking into the next hotel, or worse, crashing on my skis.


I've started this 12 Monkeys show on ScyFy network... decent so far.

I love time travel stories.


Obama came to town this week, but we did not meet.

Next time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Captains America!

Taken last summer in Evey's room.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas photo

The kids got up EARLY this year for Christmas... like, 6:45. And they were ready to go!

Adrianne got sick on Christmas Eve. That was a bummer. But she recovered quickly.

Boyd would open a present, then want to play with it. He had no interest in moving on to the next gift.

At the end of the day, Evey proclaimed it was the "best Christmas ever!" so that is a good thing!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Evey scored a basket!

Here we are celebrating the first game/win of the season!