Thursday, May 30, 2013

Will and Seth... old as hell


Saw one Will Baxter on Tuesday night. Here is photographic evidence.

This was taken at Wade and Katie's place, after a night of heavy drinking. That's why we look like hell. (And because we're old as hell.)

The framing of this photo I can't quite explain, but, whatever. I do appreciate Ed Von Feldt snapping us before I left.

Will is back in town (well, America) from Cambodia. It had been three-and-a-half years since I had seen him. He is staying for the week in Chicago with his brother, so I added the drive to Chicago onto the tale end of a business trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

It made for a long couple days of driving... but Crikey, when your college roommate lives halfway across the world, you make a trip to Chicago to have a few beers when he's back in the States.

Of course, it was also great to see Wade, Katie, Pat, Katie and the kids -- Rory and Blake. The girls even made me a nice card and shouted "Uncle Seth is here!!!" when I knocked on the door. That was sweet.

Hopefully it's not another three-plus years before I get to hang with Will again. Good to see you, W.B.

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