Sunday, April 8, 2012

Boydee Measures Up


Boydee had his 6-month appointment on Friday, and did pretty well. He got three shots, and he HATES shots. Screamed like a banshee. His sister used to frown for a second, then she'd get over it. I don't think she cried once over any of her shots. It was pretty crazy, actually -- I remember writing once that I wondered if Evey lacked a sense of pain, because she never seemed to cry about anything that should have hurt, from shots to falling down.

Anyway, Boydee's appointment. He weighed 15 pounds, 14 ounces, putting him in the 23rd percent. He's a lightweight. He is 27 inches long, which puts him in the 73rd percent of boys his age. And lastly, his head was 17.5 inches in circumference, putting him in the 80th percentile.

So he's tall, skinny, with a big head and cries easily. Just like Dad.

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