Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Can you believe

That this girl is a senior in high school? 

This photo is from November 2015. I remember the room, the bunk bed, the smell of her hair when she got out of the bath. I remember that glo-worm!

Where has the time gone?  

(And whatever happened to Crocky the crocodile? He was pretty cool.)

It’s time to BeReal

I enjoy posting to BeReal mostly because I get to see what Evey is up to at that moment (you can't see other people's BeReal unless you post your own) but sometimes I'll get a fun one, like this time when me and Bub were eating lunch together on a summer day.

Rick & Julie visit the HOJ

I've wanted to do this for a long time and a few weekends ago we had Rick and Julie Younger over for dinner! 

Evey and I grilled burgers on the Blackstone… with bacon, grilled onions and mushrooms as toppings available. Grilled buns, too.

It was fun to show Rick how I've put some of his bar memorabilia to good use in the HOJ. Evey and Boyd don't know/understand Rick very well, but he loves our kids very much… he's watched them grow up from afar both from my phone, and when they happen to be by the bar. 

But then again, does anyone really understand Rick? Maybe just Julie. 

And yes, Adro got the bunny ears treatment from Rick, as is tradition whenever Rick's in a photo with more than one other person! 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Watch out for Mittens!

The cat likes hanging out at the HOJ almost as much as I do! 

This shot was a few weekends ago when we were getting amazing weather… this summer has been unexpectedly pleasant, actually.

Taco chilling in the background. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

First day of school!

 Evey is a senior and Boyd is a seventh grader!