Oh wow, what a weekend! I started off the party early by going to Buzz Beach Ball on Friday, seeing LOCAL H and the TOADIES... then on Saturday we had Boyd's first soccer game, followed by breakfast/chill at the house/nap, followed by CAMPING at the Wake farm... then on Sunday we went swimming at Rod and Lupe's!
Boyd suggested we go camping again this weekend, and I was actually thrilled because I had a great time last time, and I was hopeful to take Evey with us on round two... and maybe show mom the campsite as well.
We accomplished both! Evey was way in for camping, and Adrianne was cool with coming up early and seeing the campsite before she went to pick up Grandma Judy from the airport.
The weather was perfect, the fish were biting and we all had a blast.
Early on in the trip, I was getting the camp site set up while the kids were playing in the tent. Boyd yelled out to me, "DAD! Camping is more funner with Evey!"
I agreed.
That's me with Scott Lucas, lead singer/guitarist of Local H, one of my all time favorite live bands. |
The first night went fast again, and we got set up, fished a little, then Mom got there and we showed her around (she loved it and even said she'd camp with us!) We did some sparklers and just enjoyed the evening...
Mom had to leave to get Grandma... Dinner was late at the campsite... hot dogs and corn on the cob, followed by s'mores (which I burned a little). The three of us sat around a torch for light and chatted, laughed, hung out.
When it was time for bed, I again read from a Greek Mythology book I bought specifically for camping a while back. Since Boyd and I recently finished the Tale of Heracles, we moved on to read about Perseus... which was good but not as fast moving as the tasks of Hercules... Boyd fell asleep and Evey asked me to keep reading.
The moon was so bright, when it was shining right above us, it was almost obtrusive! The kids slept hard, I slept with one eye open all night. The temperature got pretty cool so I was worried about the kids being cold and sore throats in the morning... turns out I was worrying for nothing. Should have just got some sleep! the kids slept great and woke up feeling great, too.
We fished a bunch in the morning and the kids were catching bluegill like crazy. The only delay was when the fish took the hook a little harshly and I had to, you know... work the hook out a little. Which drives me crazy (I hate harming animals and want to do catch and release like the smoothest criminal in the world, if possible.)
Boyd's hook took a little work, then he said, "Dad! Can I go play in the tent some more?"
Of course you can buddy, do whatever you want. So he ran back to the tent to play with his dinos.
Evey stayed back to fish some more. Then there was another difficult hook... she asked, "Dad, can I go play with Boyd?"
Of course you can sissy, do whatever you want! She ran to hang out with Boyd, I released Mr. Fishy (eventually) and then I started breaking down the camp site. Easy cheesy, there were so few times any of us were bored or inactive...
The kids were playing a "doctor" game in the tent, using a toy laptop Boyd brought along to "check in" the patient. Evey started laughing, then she called out to tell me why -- Boyd's name for the doctor check-in...
"Dad, Boyd told me his name was Strawberry Cake. I asked him, 'Why did your parents name you that?' He said, 'Because it RHYMES!' I told him it didn't rhyme, then he said, 'Well, my middle name is SNAKE.'"