Thursday, July 20, 2017

Talkin' Tracks Episode three!

Tried to squeeze you all in!

4th of July party...

The party that Brent and Rosalina asked us to be GODPARENTS!!! (For real!)

Apologies for the cramped shot, hard to get this many Mexicans in one camera shot, tho...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Some mysterious figures were seen lurking around the Jones household the other day. A couple juice boxes are missing. 

Anyone with information please called 1-800-JUICE-TIP.


Just got done having a visitor, none other than the Godfather himself, Lervik, AKA "JJ." 

Lerv came in on Saturday and went home this afternoon. A great trip, included two trips to Rick's, 47 quarters on Shinobi, dinner with Bauer, barbecue chicken in the backyard, badminton, the casino and a King Tut from Pyramid Pizza.

We will make no mention of how bar sports went against Lervy except to maybe say that I'm finally showing some rust now at age 40. Yeesh.

Great times, look forward to the next time!


I've got my tickets to Riot Fest! Who's coming with me?!?


Lipford talked me into seeing a band called Wolf Alice on Sunday. No idea what I'm getting into. But I'm cool with helping my fellow music fan check out a band he likes, that no one else has ever heard of.

He will be called upon one day to return the favor...

Sunday, July 2, 2017



Good start to the 4th of July weekend here. Lots of errands, plus me + kids got to see the Abasolos this evening.

We ended the night with the family on the back deck, furniture converted to a couch, watching some fireworks and the stars...

Went to the bank this morning and was stunned to learn it was 7/1...

Of 2017.

Seriously, I had to think about it for a minute... It's 2017?!? Wow.