Friday, February 24, 2012

Asher and Boydee

Here's a pic from last year... I don't think I've posted it yet. Boydee was a few weeks old. I'm holding Asher, Jeff is holding Boydee.

Big game on Saturday. I am ready to crush Missouri!

Evey announced to us the other day that she ate "See-Wee" at lunch. We said, "seaweed?" and she said, "No, SEE-WEE!!!" She liked it.

But the "white broccoli" they also served? She didn't dig that.

Monday, February 20, 2012

ADRO and Boydee at breakfast

Sent from my iPhone

Me and Evey at breakfast

Sent from my iPhoneWe all went to church and now we're at Bigg' BBQ! Next stop, movie theater. I'm seeing "chronicle."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday night

Sent from my iPhoneRight before bed.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Junie and Judy with Boydee

Both Grandmas were at the house a few weeks ago to hang out with Boydee and Evey. The kids love their grandmas, that's for sure.

Back from the Phoenix Open and Pebble Beach... I don't have to go anywhere for 10 straight days! Whoo-hoo!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Sent from my iPhoneShot this pic with my iPhone as the kids were about to go to bed.

It's been a rough couple days as Boydee has had this congestion in his head for a few days. He's finally getting over it. But the gurgling noise he'd make whenever he laid down was really sad.

Work gas been busy for both me and ADRO lately. It's a busy time of the year. It doesn't help that I was in England for six days recently. We need spring break to get here just so we can catch up on stuff!

More later. Once things settle down, in about... Five weeks.