New business: My friend Bauer has changed professions and is now a financial planner, and he is just starting out, so if you're looking for a financial planner, drop me a line and I'll put you two in touch. Bauer's good people, I've known him since I was a kid, and I'll always remember him and Nunn walking into my Dad's wake with the biggest bottle of tequila I've ever seen!
New business part II: My sister has also started a new career as a salesperson for Premiere Jewelery. She's hosting her first jewelery party at her house in Shawnee next Friday. Drop me a line if you want to attend!
Wanted: One used carpet/rug that we can destroy. We're filming our next movie for the Wild West Film Fest in two weekends, and we need a rug for our murder scene. You will get a screen credit, which is good as gold.
Wanted: Your old comic books, especially if they contain Steve Ditko art. I just want them.
I don't think I own a single comic with Ditko artwork. But if I did, you could have it. I was never a fan. I know, I know, he made Spidey all..."spidery"...but he just never really clicked with me.
I don't think I own a single comic with Ditko artwork. But if I did, you could have it. I was never a fan. I know, I know, he made Spidey all..."spidery"...but he just never really clicked with me.
See how observant I am...I didnt even see this post until today, which is exactly one week after my 30th.
Thanks for the shout out!! 30 isnt so bad :)
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