Sunday, January 31, 2021

Jonesy’s journal, 1.31.21

Boyd has been getting after it with drawing this weekend. Tons of dinosaurs! They look great and he's hanging them on his wall. I'll share a photo soon.


Evey had a sleepover with Ryan this weekend. I made some fajitas and we ignored the KU/Tennessee game. The girls had fun. Adro, Bub and I played Marvel Comics memory... and I won! 16 to 15 to 14, a TIGHT game.

Watched SNL and conked out.


Bub went and hung out with his pal Nolan for a few hours on Sunday. Afterwards, Bub and I went to the farm to deliver some cookies and a bookshelf, and visit with Judy and Virginia. 

Back home, I worked on bagging my Captain America comics and watching some NBA. A very chill night. We finished The Meg, from RedBox.

The report from  Nolan's:

They have a way fun house... with a zip line... a pond... their apples are juicer than ours... they have two cats and a dog... 

Basically, Boyd was impressed. Their sliced bread is better than ours. 

Yeah, I get it. Remind me to tell you about the Kansas T-shirt. I'm beginning to understand why I thought my dad was a hardass....

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