Thursday, May 16, 2019

First day of summer vacation!

It's hard to believe, but today was the first day of the kids' summer vacation!

I now have a 7th grader and a 2nd grader... CRAZY!

It was a good day... Evey slept in. Boyd was up early, a little stir crazy all day. The kids did a good job entertaining themselves most of the day, but we enjoyed a lunch together, and a 5 p.m. game of Monopoly as well!


Picture on top is a science experiment for the kids... A golf turf fertilizer company sent me some product to check out... I put the kids in charge of this process... we'll see how it goes.


Summer Monopoly series. $50 to the winner (if it's Evey or Bub who wins.) If it's me, the kids have to help me sweep out/clean the garage.

Evey and Bub split a win (so that's .5 points each.) Dad took zero points in the inaugural game.

It's a marathon, not a sprint! I'm not worries.

Summer Monopoly series:

0.5 points — Bub
0.5 points — Evey
0 points — Dad

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