Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Snow day!
Pretty nice snow day we had just now. Sunday was a good heavy snow, as promised by Jerard Jebailey, then it snowed almost all day Monday, too.
We got a good amount of outdoor time during the snowstorm. For the first time ever, I took the kids to the back part of the property. That was a cool adventure. The snow and the quiet made it really fun.
And of course we found a good sledding spot at the new place.
The biggest problem? Getting out of the driveway is a bit of an adventure in the truck... but I pulled it off!
It's feeling a lot like Christmas... good thing, since we're merely days away!
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Happy 13th birthday, Evey!
It's hard to believe our little baby girl is now 13!!!
Evey celebrated with her friends here at the house with a sleepover. It was nice to have Allison, Ava, Peyton and Takahra (not pictured) come over for some pizza, cupcakes, and general fun.
Evey has some great friends, for which I'm thankful. I'm glad she has a good group to hang out with at school. I'm happy they took the time to decorate her locker at school. When you're 13, these are very important things, and it's good to see so many sweet girls in Evey's circle of friends... and I'm sure it's because Evey is also a good friend!
Following the sleepover we went to Dave and Busters and met the Johnsons for part two of Evey's 13th birthday. We had a blast racing cars, playing pop-a-shot, you name it. My sister sent me some cool photos from that afternoon, I'll try to share them here as well.
We love you Evey, can't believe you're 13! Didn't I start this blog when you were a baby?
You really are an inspiration, Evey Melosa Jones.
Evey celebrated with her friends here at the house with a sleepover. It was nice to have Allison, Ava, Peyton and Takahra (not pictured) come over for some pizza, cupcakes, and general fun.
Evey has some great friends, for which I'm thankful. I'm glad she has a good group to hang out with at school. I'm happy they took the time to decorate her locker at school. When you're 13, these are very important things, and it's good to see so many sweet girls in Evey's circle of friends... and I'm sure it's because Evey is also a good friend!
Following the sleepover we went to Dave and Busters and met the Johnsons for part two of Evey's 13th birthday. We had a blast racing cars, playing pop-a-shot, you name it. My sister sent me some cool photos from that afternoon, I'll try to share them here as well.
We love you Evey, can't believe you're 13! Didn't I start this blog when you were a baby?
You really are an inspiration, Evey Melosa Jones.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Burrito Kings
I'm in Florida at the Golfdom Summit but I'm told Boyd put down an entire chimichanga, adult size portion, at Tres recently.
In other news, Evey rocked her play performance. Nice job kids!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Farewell 709
We moved!!!
After 10 years (almost to the day) of living in the old house, we decided to move the fam to a sweet abode in the nearby country. It's still a Eudora address, but it's much more rural.
The attached photo is the last time I mowed the old yard. And it felt good. That house was good to us. We loved it there. It was just the right time to move on.
The good news is the kids, Adrianne and I all couldn't be happier with the new digs. We're still getting adjusted and we're still unpacking some boxes... but the sunsets and the sunrises at the new casa are just beautiful. The stars are so bright. And my cell phone service? Nonexistent.
If the photos on the blog look like a different setting, now you know why. We've been at the new place a little over a month. Many of my friends helped us move out of the old place. And I credit Adrianne with the savvy of finding this new place and making it happen. Much like ten years ago, I was just along for the ride.
We look forward to getting the new place all put together and in having our friends over to visit. Just not yet... we're still getting out of boxes!
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Dark Knight Returns, Unfortunately
We decided to celebrate Halloween in downtown Lawrence, for reasons I still need to address on the blog... but yeah, we departed from our normal Halloween tradition of trick or treating the old neighborhood (there's a hint) and instead road tripped to downtown Lawrence.
It was good, not great. Boyd was unimpressed with his candy haul. Asked if we can return to the ol' stomping grounds next year. I said yes.
But will I go as elderly Batman again? Hard to say. Looks like Evey is done with Halloween... maybe old-ass Dad should be, too!
I'm (elderly) Batman!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Kids in the yard
They had the day off school on Friday... mostly chilled (Evey had 6 am b-ball practice) and then we went outside and started a bonfire, then hung out at the Hall of Justice.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Monday, October 7, 2019
Happy 8th birthday Boydee!
We celebrated Boyd's birthday at Worlds of Fun on Sunday (his birthday was Saturday... but I had tickets to KU/OU, and Evey had a volleyball tourney, so we postponed the big celebration for a day.)
It was great because Boyd can now ride most of the rides... and the weather was overcast, sprinkles at times... but overall, a good day to be outdoors for 6 hours.
The craziest moment for me, by far, was when the kids joined Judy on the Bamboozler... a ride that terrifies me. I thought for sure there would be tears, vomiting, etc. But instead, the kids wanted to ride it again... immediately! And there was no line, so they jumped right back on.
I can't even watch this ride, it makes me sick. And the kids and Judy loved it.
A good day at Worlds of Fun. I'm sure we'll be back next year.
And next year: we avoid the 50s diner and instead go for burritos!
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Pool day!
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Evey's first volleyball game!
She played great. I think her best moment came when she was on the bench and they subbed her in after the opposing team ripped off like seven straight serves... and then that girl ripped off an eighth... and then she made the mistake of hitting her ninth to Evey, which she returned with great vengeance and furious anger! And that was the end of that scoring run!
The 7th grade JV team crushed Baldwin. Then the next team... the Jaguars... not remembering where they were from, it was two words... that was a much better team, and the girls ended up losing 2-1.
I'll get better photos next time! This game, I was too nervous to even think about photos. I can't believe Evey is out there playing 7th grade volleyball! And she did great!
It was Adrianne's birthday yesterday! Happy birthday Adro! We celebrated by doing nothing. Really. Well, we worked on the house some more, and I grilled steaks. My favorite part of the day was hanging out on the back deck with Adro as the charcoals heated up.
I tried to get the kids to come out, even told Boyd he could play in the sprinkler... but it was hot out, and they were more interested in relaxing. Eventually Evey came out to practice volleyball and Boyd joined her.
But the best was sitting beneath the umbrella, watching the sprinkler work, watching these three monarch butterflies flitter around the yard, while sipping on a couple cold beers with Adro.
In defense of the kids, it's been really busy at the Jones casa these last few weeks. A real-deal day off was a good thing for everyone.
Took the September issue of Landscape Management to press today. That makes nine issues I've served as the EIC. It's getting a little easier, but the team is shorthanded, and it's all still crazy. Every deadline we make, I'm a little surprised.
I went to bed Monday night knowing we needed to be to press by 1 p.m. EST the next day. Dreamt about the magazine all night. And I really only had two more pages to write! But it still eats at me. I wish there were more hours in the day.
On to the next one. And to the next issue of Golfdom.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
First day of school!
Is tomorrow morning! What happened to summer?
Here's a photo from our first day of school... from 2017 (with me in it) and 2016 (with Adro in it).
I'll have new photos soon...
Here's a photo from our first day of school... from 2017 (with me in it) and 2016 (with Adro in it).
I'll have new photos soon...
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Head in the sand
I didn't plan on coaching his soccer team this fall. Too much going on with work. I told him I couldn't coach, he was A-OK with that.
Rec league emailed me asking if I could coach, they're in need... I said sure, I'd like to, but just understand that I'm traveling a lot, etc. They said cool.
So this afternoon I walked into Boyd's room. I told him I knew who his soccer coach is, would he like to know? He perked right up.
"I'll give you a hint: he's good looking...
"Kind of tall...
"He's a really great soccer coach..."
Boyd smiled real big and said, "That sounds like Seth Jones!"
Good job, Boyd. I really expected you to say someone else...!
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Controversy! Bad food, bad ratings, bad blogs!
In South Padre, we eyewitnessed a bad food combo... demonstrated by Alan from McAllen...
What is that? Pretty sure that's a hot dog with... macaroni salad... ketchup... refried beans... who knows what else???
Boyd could hardly believe his eyes!
Tonight at dinner we had an epic feast! Chicken quesadillas, refried beans and Spanish rice! It was great!
We even had a MENU.
But then dessert came, and Boyd got salty. He started to complain about the cook, the service... and he went from a 5-star review to a 1/2 star review!
Well, guess what, Bub? You bring the least to the table in terms of food prep, service, etc. So we'll see how your meal is tomorrow!!!
After 12-plus years and more than 1,700 posts.... Mom has a new favorite blog.
What is this blog? I'm not sure, exactly. We're told about it nightly, though, and it documents a friend of Evey's, and her and her mom's (and maybe some siblings?) trek across the U.S.
It sounds great, really. Apparently there was a snake(!) in a canoe in a recent installment. This may have been post No. 1,700, but it's more likely it was post No. 17.
It just goes to show... like Alan's hot dog or Bub's review... you gotta be careful, 'cause it can go from good to bad QUICK!
(Just kidding babe, I know you still think this blog is No. 1!)
Monday, July 29, 2019
From Clayton's, South Padre's biggest bar!
Here's a selfie I took of the family at South Padre. We walked down to Clayton's, and next door they were building what looked like a hotel or condos. I took a photo with that as the backdrop, so we can see the place again next year when it's finished, and compare.
And then thankfully I took this photo of us with the beach behind us... not sure why I didn't take more of these.
The food at Clayton's wasn't as good as Wanna-Wanna, but the pina colada was equal, at least. Wanna-Wanna on South Padre is awesome.
Looking forward to showing the fam Soles next, on a different beach...
Good weekend here. The big news for the Joneses was probably that Boyd had his first ever sleepover! He stayed the night at Beaux's house, following Beaux's 7th birthday party. It was extra convenient because Evey is friends with Ava, Beaux's big sister... so they both stayed the night.
The report was that Boyd was good, and even brushed his teeth for a long time! Evey did a great job helping out Bub and making him feel safe... but he did say he had no problems sleeping over, wasn't nervous at all. Boyd also reported that "I ate so much sugar!"
Aunt Jessica took the kids to see Lion King this weekend. The kids both gave it an 8... which means it wasn't great, because Boyd typically gives everything a 10, and for Evey, an 8 is also a lower score. But best of all, the kids had a great time with Sis.
We've been back at the Secret Lair (Quinton's) playing video games the past two Fridays... and Evey is 2-0 so far on Buck Hunter. She's got game! I'm not sure that I'll beat her...
And then thankfully I took this photo of us with the beach behind us... not sure why I didn't take more of these.
The food at Clayton's wasn't as good as Wanna-Wanna, but the pina colada was equal, at least. Wanna-Wanna on South Padre is awesome.
Looking forward to showing the fam Soles next, on a different beach...
Good weekend here. The big news for the Joneses was probably that Boyd had his first ever sleepover! He stayed the night at Beaux's house, following Beaux's 7th birthday party. It was extra convenient because Evey is friends with Ava, Beaux's big sister... so they both stayed the night.
The report was that Boyd was good, and even brushed his teeth for a long time! Evey did a great job helping out Bub and making him feel safe... but he did say he had no problems sleeping over, wasn't nervous at all. Boyd also reported that "I ate so much sugar!"
Aunt Jessica took the kids to see Lion King this weekend. The kids both gave it an 8... which means it wasn't great, because Boyd typically gives everything a 10, and for Evey, an 8 is also a lower score. But best of all, the kids had a great time with Sis.
We've been back at the Secret Lair (Quinton's) playing video games the past two Fridays... and Evey is 2-0 so far on Buck Hunter. She's got game! I'm not sure that I'll beat her...
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Ms. Pac-Man
We had a nice Friday this week...
The kids and I went to Lawrence to meet up with G'Ma and Adro at the Mexican restaurant at 9th and Iowa for lunch. It was OK. Some of it was great (the queso) some of it was meh (serving me lukewarm water.) We still enjoyed our lunch together, despite Boyd being a little weird at the time.
From there, the kids and I went to the library, where I worked for about 90 minutes. Evey and Boyd did great! Boyd got a little bored, then we all went to the games section, and he was interested again. I went and looked to see if there was anything I wanted... then we left.
Next stop — Quinton's, for our return to the secret lair! It was as good as we remembered. Lots of Buck Hunter and Ms. Pac-Man. Evey kicked butt at BOTH games! I'm looking forward to a rematch.
Evey was especially good at Ms. Pac-Man. She was making some MOVES! I was impressed.
The kids and I went to Lawrence to meet up with G'Ma and Adro at the Mexican restaurant at 9th and Iowa for lunch. It was OK. Some of it was great (the queso) some of it was meh (serving me lukewarm water.) We still enjoyed our lunch together, despite Boyd being a little weird at the time.
From there, the kids and I went to the library, where I worked for about 90 minutes. Evey and Boyd did great! Boyd got a little bored, then we all went to the games section, and he was interested again. I went and looked to see if there was anything I wanted... then we left.
Next stop — Quinton's, for our return to the secret lair! It was as good as we remembered. Lots of Buck Hunter and Ms. Pac-Man. Evey kicked butt at BOTH games! I'm looking forward to a rematch.
Evey was especially good at Ms. Pac-Man. She was making some MOVES! I was impressed.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Summertime, and the livin's easy
Sooo the kids are doing good hanging out this summer. Just chillin. Lots of "Vampire Diaries" and "The Office." An occasional game of Uno or 'Trains on Time.'
We had a Monopoly series going... need to get back to that.
It's been hot out, a heat wave... but we've still managed to get outside around dusk. Evey's hitting the volleyball around, Boyd's running around, Mom is watering the plants...
We took Koko out to explore today, and she started rolling around in the grass. Looked like she was enjoying herself...
Then we got going, put her in the car, and she STUNK! Evey gave her a bath as soon as we got home. Ugh! Thanks, Evey.
Pretty quiet night here, which was nice. Went and got a couple chocolate milkshakes from Sonic.
We had a Monopoly series going... need to get back to that.
It's been hot out, a heat wave... but we've still managed to get outside around dusk. Evey's hitting the volleyball around, Boyd's running around, Mom is watering the plants...
We took Koko out to explore today, and she started rolling around in the grass. Looked like she was enjoying herself...
Then we got going, put her in the car, and she STUNK! Evey gave her a bath as soon as we got home. Ugh! Thanks, Evey.
Pretty quiet night here, which was nice. Went and got a couple chocolate milkshakes from Sonic.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Look what we found!
The remote to the Roku!
Grandma had been accused (wrongly) of accidentally packing it in one of her bags... it's been missing for a month, at least.
It was just Bub and I the other day and I decided I wanted to watch Amazon Prime in the living room... and I gave my first attempt and finding it.
It took me about five seconds, very first place I looked!
Adro, Evey and Grandma were all texted this photo immediately. Grandma... wrongly accused! We're sorry!
Monday, July 1, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Heading home from summer SPI trip
So tired from all the waves, the sun, the beach... it'll be nice to get home!
A nice trip to South Padre, though. Lots of Whataburger, too!
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Ok, THIS is the welcome home Grandma pic!
The kids (read: Evey) made Judy a sign welcoming Grandma home.
We also celebrated her birthday pretty much as soon as she got home... with dinner at Kobe Japanese Steakhouse. Virginia, Rick, Lupe, Rod, our family... it was a good crew! Also, Boyd was the only one who caught his shrimp in his mouth... pretty cool!
Welcome home Judy!!!
Friday, May 31, 2019
So glad Grandma is home!
This photo doesn't exactly jive with the headline, but... we're so happy G'ma is home!!!
We'll get better pics together soon... right now everyone is tired/asleep... but Judy is back in Kansas, where we like her!
Welcome home Grandma!!!
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Thursday, May 16, 2019
First day of summer vacation!
I now have a 7th grader and a 2nd grader... CRAZY!
It was a good day... Evey slept in. Boyd was up early, a little stir crazy all day. The kids did a good job entertaining themselves most of the day, but we enjoyed a lunch together, and a 5 p.m. game of Monopoly as well!

Summer Monopoly series. $50 to the winner (if it's Evey or Bub who wins.) If it's me, the kids have to help me sweep out/clean the garage.
Evey and Bub split a win (so that's .5 points each.) Dad took zero points in the inaugural game.
It's a marathon, not a sprint! I'm not worries.
Summer Monopoly series:
0.5 points — Bub
0.5 points — Evey
0 points — Dad
Monday, May 13, 2019
Cupcakes by Evey Jones!

I think this was a good year for both kids. I think next year will be better. 7th grade is an awkward age, but at least Evey won't be the youngest class in her school anymore, and she'll have a better handle on the school. And 2nd grade seems like a magical year, it was for Evey (Mr. Powers) and it was for me (coincidentally a Mrs. Powers, back in Mulvane.) Hopefully it is equally a good year for Bub.
Soccer season is OVER! We finished out the year on Saturday. And guess what? Boydee SCORED A GOAL! He came close twice last game, and this time he sealed the deal.
Funny thing, he told me he felt like he was going to score a goal before the game.
Now, to be fair, he also gave up the slowest penalty kick EVER in the previous quarter. I'm still trying to figure out what happened, and yes, I almost lost my mind when it happened. I ran out to the field to talk to him, and I just rubbed his chest in a circular motion rapidly and told him, "OK, buddy, let's GO!" because I really wanted to spank him at that moment. Then I walked by Dale, the head coach (I'm the assistant) and I seethed, "it's like his feet were in concrete!" and Dale gave me a, "I'm mad too... but at least it wasn't my son." look.
Adro and Evey had the best perspective: they saw the girl line up for the penalty shot... then they saw her take it (they were on the opposite side of the field)... then Dale walked into their line of vision, so they couldn't see what happened... but they saw the ball was moving so slowly, they figured Boyd would have it... then they saw Boyd again... and realized the other team was going wild, and Boyd was pulling the ball out of the net.
It's a mystery. Even Boyd can't explain it. I don't know.
But the goal!
Cameron took a shot, and the goalie (our all-star from last year, Brandon) got hands on it but let it squeak by him. Boyd was in the right place at the right time... and he had an open net in front of him and about 2 seconds to react...
And he HAMMERED it home!
OK, in all honesty... he dang near missed the ball entirely, it took him three seconds to react, but somehow he put enough topspin on the ball that it squeaked across the goal line. I jumped in the air like an idiot. The kids all trotted back slowly. We were down 5-1 at this point, and I was THRILLED! What penalty kick?!? Boyd was our leading scorer for the game!
I later asked Boyd to recreate the play for me... in his mind, he blasted the ball top shelf, off a pass from Cameron.
We'll go with that!
We're in Week 5 of the "Why did Grandma leave us?!?" experience. Only two more weeks to go.
We miss her so much! Mother's Day was yesterday... we texted, but it wasn't the same. Two more weeks to go!
So the cupcakes you see with Evey, she made for a party... one of her teachers is "going away" (moving up to high school) so they're throwing a party for her on the next-to-last day of school. Evey worked hard on these cupcakes. She's so sweet! Yes, Boydee is a little (sun)burned but the cupcakes are PERFECT!
She's also made mini-posters for some of her teachers, as a going away present. I don't think all her teachers got one, but she has made several.
I bet she's the kind of student you wish you had more of in your class.
Unless that class is P.E.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Monday, April 22, 2019
Easter weekend 2019
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Adro and I enjoying some drinks with Brent, Rosalina & Co. before Brent's show. |
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Evey & I at the Alamo theater, where we saw Shazam. Cameo from the Iron Giant! Cool theater. Bad popcorn. |
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The kids shortly after the Easter egg hunt! |
But it was a nice weekend. Evey did get sick on Friday but toughed it out and went to Omaha anyway... then I got a little sick to my stomach on Friday... but we both recovered for Saturday!
Bub and Mom went with Rosalina, Dexter and Sylvia to the zoo... then Evey and I went to see Shazam (it was just OK.) Then Adro and I went out to watch Brent's band play.
Easter breakfast at Rosalina & Brent's house, a quick Easter egg hunt... then back home.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Moment in time: Feb 17, 2019
Just got done visiting Bart and Lynette's baby boy, Curtis. We had already gone to church that morning. Now it was time to get some food.
We drove around... Free State? Nope, 40 minute wait. Jefferson's? No tables, it's packed. Should we just go home?
How about Celito Lindo's? Last time we went the refried beans were so spicy. Well, let's give it another try, there's a parking spot.
Turns out the food was good, the table was great, the margarita was smooth. Yeah, we spilled some queso (which is a major faux pas in our family) but it was otherwise a really fun lunch. I hope we go back soon.
And I had that great blue wall with the sun coming in behind me... made for a great photo of the family. I started rattling them off before everyone was ready, and the entire series is colorful and hilarious. It's like everyone's personalities come through in this series of photos.
Here's all nine photos, in order that I took them. Finally got it on the last try!
We drove around... Free State? Nope, 40 minute wait. Jefferson's? No tables, it's packed. Should we just go home?
How about Celito Lindo's? Last time we went the refried beans were so spicy. Well, let's give it another try, there's a parking spot.
Turns out the food was good, the table was great, the margarita was smooth. Yeah, we spilled some queso (which is a major faux pas in our family) but it was otherwise a really fun lunch. I hope we go back soon.
And I had that great blue wall with the sun coming in behind me... made for a great photo of the family. I started rattling them off before everyone was ready, and the entire series is colorful and hilarious. It's like everyone's personalities come through in this series of photos.
Here's all nine photos, in order that I took them. Finally got it on the last try!
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
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