Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Friday O'POMP
Today's Friday O'POMP photo is of my two flip-flops. I left one outside in the car in the heat, the other made it inside in my duffel bag. It was damn hot outside. I got the two flip-flops together, and I blinked a few times. What the hell? It took me about five minutes to confirm that someone hadn't switched me shoes... that the heat made the one shrink that much!
Me and Evey are taking the day off today (I travelled on Labor Day for work, so work did me a solid and gave me Friday off). So me and Evey are going to get a pancake, hit the library, have lunch with mom, go to Best Buy... it's gonna be awesome.
I just saw a commercial for Kevin Yoder for Congress. That dude looks exactly the same as he did when he was going to KU in the late '90s with me. And he looked just as awkward on TV as he did in person. Which is kind of cool that that awkwardness sticks with you, even when you're running for Congress.
True story: The Republicans came by my house recently. They didn't knock, but they left me some candidate pamphlets on my front step. I'm a Democrat, but no problem, I appreciate them trying to spread their word. What I don't appreciate? The dude handing out the leaflets leaving his empty coffee cup behind! Seriously, I thought whoever was campaigning also bought me a cup of coffee! But nope, he just left me his trash to clean up! Jerks.
One white Russian on a slightly empty stomach makes my brain feel less anaerobic, more aerobic.
I would go see Shakira if she were playing at the Bottleneck or Granada.
The View has had 3,000 episodes. There were 102 episodes of Alf. Sometimes there is no justice.
Evey has been asking us for a pet on the drive into Lawrence the past week or so. Usually it's when we hit the light at 23rd and Iowa that she hits us with the sob story. I don't know why she's reminded that she doesn't own a pet when we hit that intersection. Something about Freddy's? I don't know. But she'll get on the sad voice, and say, "Daddy, why can't we have a pet?" and I'll say maybe someday sweetie. And she'll get sad. Then I'll ask her what kind of pet she'd like to have, if we could get one. "Daddy... I want a baby unicorn." Everyday, a baby unicorn. I've told her there are no baby unicorns. She still wants one.
Wednesday night Adro crashed out before Evey did, so Evey came downstairs to the Shadow Gallery to go pee-pee* (*see what dad was doing). After she went to the bathroom I told her it was late and she needed to get her butt in bed. She said, "OK, Dad. But when I go to bed... I'm going to dream about Disneyland." Who is feeding this kid these things?
I emailed my top 100 songs of all time to about 25 friends yesterday. Why? I don't know. I'm not on Facebook, so I need to reach out every once in a while. (This is what people do on Facebook, right? Send each other their top 100 songs lists?)
Speaking of Facebook, if there has been a group created in support of Jason, formerly of 96.5 the Buzz, will someone let me know? And let me know when and where their next rally is? I am thinking about bringing a tomato to the Buzz Beach Ball on Saturday night, just in case Lazlo takes the stage at any time.
The Toadies are playing the B'neck tomorrow night. I can't frickin wait! That band in a venue as great as the Bottleneck? You really should come with me.
My wife dressed as white trash for work today. I was supposed to take a photo, but we never did. It was "wing day" at work, and each wing had a different theme, my wife's wing went with white trash. What did I learn about this? Two things: 1) our family owns a reassuringly small amount of white trash items and 2) my wife also looks hot in a white trash get-up. Giddy-up!
My wing? We were a wing restaurant. We all wore aprons and had chicken wings available. I don't look hot in an apron, it turns out.
But in hindsight, I should have been wearing more than just the apron.
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