In anticipation of Tron: Legacy coming out this winter, I added the original Tron to my NetFlix queue, not expecting to like it, but wanting to know the back-story before I enter the theater for the new film...
Wow, was I pleasantly surprised.
This was the first time I had seen the movie. Why is that the case? This movie just screams for multiple re-runs on channels like TBS, TNT and WGN in the 1990s.
The movie is just gorgeous, first of all. I expected lousy animation... maybe because all I was really familiar with of the movie was the motorcycle race scenes. The people look great, though. The reds, blues and grays mixed with the splashes of neon looked great on my Sony Bravia.
The story is actually intriguing. The Master Control Program makes for a great villain, and Flynn, not fully realizing who he is in the MCP world, makes a great hero. The character of Tron (I always assumed Tron -- pictured below -- was the name of the game, not a character) was also cool... and it was fun following both Flynn and Tron's odyssey through the MCP world.

Maybe it was just a case of low expectations surpassed, but I'll tell you that me, Adro and Evey sat and watched it from start to finish, and all three of us enjoyed it. Evey even wanted to re-watch it... and that was fine with me, as the movie was rated PG, and never got too scary for her.
So add Tron to your NetFliz queue when you get a chance. After all, Tron: Legacy is almost here (out on Dec. 17th), and it's going to be the BIG MOVIE of 2010...