I took Evey to the park tonight. On the way home, she was sprinting down the sidewalk when she tripped and fell.
She already had a scuff on her knee that she was really babying... this didn't help that case.
She went down in four parts, first to the knees, then she tried to catch herself with her hands, but she was going so fast her chin hit the sidewalk and then her feet got a little airborne behind her. She somehow made this fall cute, don't ask me how. I swear I wasn't drinking or anything, but my first reaction wasn't "Oh shit!" but "Aww, cute!"
She didn't cry, though. I expected her hands to be bloody and they weren't. I told her to give me five for being a big girl and not crying. "Daddy, I don't want to give you five!" she exasperated. Poor girl was a little freaked out.
We walked slowly home and then I saw that her leg was bleeding through her pants. Dammit. The fall wasn't cute anymore. I carried her the rest of the way and called for Adro to come help out. Got her pants off, and yep, she shredded her old wound pretty good. Lots of blood, which she didn't like seeing.
Evey didn't move from the couch much the rest of the night. Until she got up to go to the bathroom. And then, somehow, she fell again. And, yep, she broke open that knee again. More blood.
To make Evey feel better, and to try to get her out of this weird habit of picking at her fingernails, Adro gave her a manicure/pedicure tonight. Glossy fingernails and blue toenails. You can see the toenails in the photo, taken a few hours ago. You can also see the band-aid on her knee here.
So this was the circumstance of Evey's first nail polish experience. We prolonged it as much as we could. But Evey was having fun letting her nails dry, and bla bla bla, girly girly girly. There was a bucket of warm water involved at one point, and all I could think of was the "Messin' with Sasquatch" commercial.
I'm proud of her though. That was a pretty big fall for no tears.
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