Several thoughts on this Sunday evening:
1. I finally hurt Evey with a suplex, sadly. She bit her tongue. Enough to cry, but also enough to tell us that "cartoonies" would make her feel better. Hmm... regardless, looks like we'll be taking a break from suplexes for a long while.
2. I'm almost caught up on Flash Forward, and this show is almost unwatchable. I want to see how it ends, but it's just remarkable how the writers have portrayed the FBI as so incompetent. If I were a writer on this show, I'd look over my shoulder for 24-hour surveillance, just expecting the Feds to get me back some.
3. I broke my camera recently. Not happy about it, yet I wonder if I didn't do it intentionally. It was a Kodak EasyShare camera, and I was regularly disappointed in my out-of-focus photos. I'll probably pull the trigger quickly on something from Best Buy. I left my camera outside in the rain, btw. The second I set it down outside, I told myself, "Don't forget it here." Of course, it rained that night.
4. Happy birthday to Brent Fry, Bart Littlejohn and Randy Mushrush today!
5. Had a good day on the basketball court this morning, hitting a lot of 3-pointers. Adro and Evey got home and Adro asked me how b-ball went, I told her, "Feel my hand."
She gave my hand a panicked look. "Did you jam your fingers?"
"No... just feel my hand."
"What happened?!? What did you do???"
"Nothing! Just feel my hand!"
She nervously looked at my hand.
"Just touch my hand!" I shouted.
She finally, nervously, touched it.
"Does it still feel hot?" I asked.
"Yes!" Adro responded nervously. "Why?"
"Because I was on FIRE today!"
My wife, appropriately annoyed, rolled her eyes and walked away as I cackled "Fire!" a few more times.
Ahh, I'm so clever.
Couple of thoughts:
If you didn't know, Flash Forward is done after one season. I have enjoyed the last two episodes, but ABC has killed it for what it's worth.
I forget that you're friends with the Mushrush, Mandy and I worked at Commerce in college.
And suplexes are a part of life. If she's going to be a Diva in the WWE in 2026, she's got to be ready.
That's one thing I do enjoy about Flash Forward... that it seems to be a story with a clear beginning and an end. We don't have to worry about the show getting stale, so the characters start having babies, to try to add something new to the mix.
I'd like to see more TV shows that are essentially short stories. Those have the potential to be great.
Not every show should aspire to be on-air for 10 seasons.
What is she gonna do when first kid that comes along and smells her weakness in pre school and gives her suplex and steals her favorite colored marker and uses it to write another check a love note? THEN WHAT?
Na nanannaannaa missy, SUCK IT UP! It only gets wore from this point on.
Is the name of this blog NOTespecially evey?
It's Especially Evey and don't you forget it!
More like Suckituplex! C'Mon!
... like this post, I am floundering with randomness in my flashforward watching ability. And when I catch it, it pisses me off!
I guess it will be okay for Evey to cry, as long as she can spell better than me.
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