She looks different... even cuter, perhaps? Hard to say. She does look a little bit more boyish with even bangs and even hair in the back. She looks older, for sure. I'll get photos of her and her new 'do up on THURSDAY.
Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Evey's first haircut!
We took Evey to ProCuts over on 25th and Iowa in Lawrence and got her her first haircut. She did pretty good up until the very end, and then she got squirmy. Lots of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Wheels on the Bus" singing ensued.
She looks different... even cuter, perhaps? Hard to say. She does look a little bit more boyish with even bangs and even hair in the back. She looks older, for sure. I'll get photos of her and her new 'do up on THURSDAY.
She looks different... even cuter, perhaps? Hard to say. She does look a little bit more boyish with even bangs and even hair in the back. She looks older, for sure. I'll get photos of her and her new 'do up on THURSDAY.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The official Easter dress
OK, so this is what Evey looked like upon entering Memow's house on Easter Sunday... and what she looked like at church on Sunday (I know -- I was THERE!)
We got a new couch today. I'm looking forward to kicking back on it and reading here in about 5 minutes. Special thanks to Copy Jesus for helping me pick it up. And Neuty, I'm hoping you can help me out tomorrow still... yeah, I forgot that Adro bought TWO new pieces of furniture.
We watched the Oprah show on "hording" tonight... pretty depressing. I put a few comics up on eBay in an effort to start getting rid of some unnecessary stuff. To quote the one guy, "If everything is special, then NOTHING is special." Whoa, dude, you just blew my mind you sagacious $&%#. Now I have less Green Lantern comics. Thanks for that.
Oprah still scares me, and I think she has an abnormally large head. But that's not why she scares me.
Why am I still typing? There's a new COUCH...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter ramblings
Hmmm... Easter.
Well, it was early this year. Really early.
Well, it was early this year. Really early.
Easter's kind of a spooky holiday. Maybe if you're better educated about it, it isn't so scary. In my mind: a little creepy.
OK, so we're either celebrating the first (and only, so far as we know) time someone came back from the dead... which is cool, because it was JC that came back, and not someone like Strom Thurmond (he's dead, right?).
To little kids, I'm going to say resurrection is creepy. Just a guess.
OK, so let's make it about a rabbit that lays eggs.
Isn't that kind of creepy too?
Christmas -- we have this lovely Santa Claus spreading toys around the world. Thanksgiving -- we have this image of pilgrims and Indians momentarily not killing each other. Fourth of July -- well, we blow stuff up, because that's the American way (sorry Iraq).
Easter... bunny.
Well, chocolate is involved. We can agree that that is good.
Do we get gifts? Little kids do. So at least they're on board with a resurrection. Heck, it could be an insurrection, give them pastel coated gifts, and it's all good. Viva la revolucion, daddy.
So what am I really trying to say?
I hope you had a wonderful and not-at-all-creepy Easter. I know I did. And so did Evey.
Thank you for suffering a fool with a keyboard. Good night.
(Photo attached: Evey in what was probably her Easter Sunday outfit... I'll share actual photos down the road, once they're downloaded.)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Evey's first trip to the comic book store!!!
To Daddy, this was a bigger deal than her baptism, folks! (What a thing to say... days before Easter Sunday. I'm sorry, Mom!)
But, yeah, me and Evey went to Astro Kitty this evening to see what was on the shelves. Evey loved it there in the comic store... I had to be careful pushing her around because she wanted to grab every comic, just like her dad does.
We couldn't leave empty-handed (especially since she was really good for me there) so we got Evey her first comic -- Super Friends # 1. (Sure, I've given her some of my crappy old comics before, but this was her first comic all her own.)
Evey wasted no time tearing right into that comic... and as the last photo shows, she could not contain her enthusiasm for Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Aquaman... by the end of our walk, she had torn that comic to shreds!
Oh, well. We're teach her how to properly treat comics down the road. For now, I'm just glad she enjoys looking at them.

But, yeah, me and Evey went to Astro Kitty this evening to see what was on the shelves. Evey loved it there in the comic store... I had to be careful pushing her around because she wanted to grab every comic, just like her dad does.
We couldn't leave empty-handed (especially since she was really good for me there) so we got Evey her first comic -- Super Friends # 1. (Sure, I've given her some of my crappy old comics before, but this was her first comic all her own.)
Evey wasted no time tearing right into that comic... and as the last photo shows, she could not contain her enthusiasm for Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Aquaman... by the end of our walk, she had torn that comic to shreds!
Oh, well. We're teach her how to properly treat comics down the road. For now, I'm just glad she enjoys looking at them.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Evey's first... junk mail?

Only 15-months-old, and already Evey is getting JUNK MAIL.
Apparently Spectrum Technologies thinks Evey might be interested in some light meters, or soil moisture sensors. She can't speak yet, but she knows what the pH of the soil in the backyard is!
We're thanking Grandma Judy for this one... see, I know where Evey would have met up with some Spectrum sales people: at the Golf Industry Show. And apparently, Evey even had her badge scanned at the Spectrum booth, so she's now on they're mailing list.
Old photos
Sunday, March 16, 2008
St. Patty's Day
I'm ready! Wow, I'm ready...
I have a big presentation at work today, so I'll hopefully be celebrating a job well done Monday night. We'll see. Wish me luck!
My mom and dad stopped in this afternoon, my dad and I watched the KU/UT game together, had a great time. They were on their way back from my dad's business trip in Ohio and a brief stop-off in Indiana to see family and friends. While they were here, I took their camera photo card and downloaded them on to my computer so I could give them a CD of their 200+ photos on their camera, and clear their card. I'll keep the highlights on my computer, too, so I can show off their photos here as well. A photo my mom took of Evey (among other photos, surely) are included with this post.
We rearranged the office this weekend. Feels good, too. Except that where the computer desk is, the ground feels like it slopes toward the wall a little bit (keep in mind, this house survived Quantrill's raid), so it's a little creepy. Still, I'm liking the kwan (or whatever they call it... fung shui) of this room right now. Makes me want to type, and be creative. I should rearrange office furniture more often.
I feel like I'm about 30 seconds away from rambling, so I'll stop now. Happy St. Patty's Day, everyone! See you at Red Lyon tomorrow night. I apologize in advance for what may seem like a slur (but what I can assure you is most definitely an injury to the jaw I succumbed while being a great parent!).
(If you click on photo 2, you'll see a photo of my mom from her high school days, and a photo of my grandparents post-WWII, in the background.)
Styx fans?
Friday, March 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Laundry day
I gotta hand it to Evey... she knows how to help her mom and dad out.
For example, this day, when we were doing laundry. We had a basket full of Evey's clothes ready to be folded when Grandma Judy and Memow (Virginia) showed up at the house. They had a seat, we got them something to drink... and then Evey started handing them clothes to fold! So, we all laughed and then... they folded all the clothes! It was brilliant. Evey kept handing them clothes until they were all done.
So be ready if we invite you over... we may act like we're wanting to hang out, but in reality, it's just laundry day.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Great White fire update

Read the new Sports Illustrated tonight (not a great issue). Also started the new Rolling Stone with Barack on the cover (looks like a great issue, even better than the new Esquire, surprisingly). I found this story on the Great White concert fire that happened back in February 2003.
It's great to see someone doing something for the victims of that tragedy. It really seemed to me that this story slipped through the cracks. 100 people died, 200 injured. But it was a hair band concert... so it just kind of happened, then went away.
If it were a Maya Angelou fan club meeting that was engulfed in flames that day, man, we'd probably all be wearing matching ribbons every anniversary. Anyway.
I remember when this happened, I wanted to donate to the victims. I searched on-line, but couldn't find a place to do so. I even thought about making this the official cause of the Laugh Olympics -- because me and Wake loved going to concerts, and man, that's just my demographic right there -- sweaty nightclub of loyal music fans trying to enjoy themselves. I mean, I'll still donate to the DAV, with pride, but when you've got fellow music geeks that need help, I think to myself, that could have totally been me, had I lived in Rhode Island and liked a suck band like Great White.
So anyway, I scanned the article so you can read it. And you can even make a donation to the if you ever wanted to, but were like me and couldn't find the proper outlet. I mean, I've already sent Ticketmaster over $50 this year in "convenience charges" (and that's not even hyperbole). If I can do that, I can send these fire victims, fellow rockers, a $20.
Just the way I feel about it.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sleep watching
One of my favorite things about being a parent is this: Checking in on little Evey when she's sleeping.
There's something comforting about watching your child sleep. I don't fully understand it. Maybe it's primordial -- my 10,000 B.C. ancestor looked at his sleeping child and knew this meant he kept said child from being eaten for another day. While I'm not worried about wild animals, I do worry, all the time, about my little Evey. And when she's sleeping, she's beautiful, and she's safe.
Also, I don't know how much experience you have with kids, but as for me... I never watched babies sleep up until recently. It was right around Evey's birth when I started this hobby, actually. Previously, watching sleeping babies didn't interest me. And actually, it's only my baby that I like to watch sleep. It's not that other babies (especially yours) don't sleep beautifully, it's just that I'm not a weirdo. I don't think.
Anyway, looking in on Evey every night is like the one constant of parenthood. She's always running around when she's awake. She's always moving. But when she's asleep, she's static, and I can get a good look at her on a scale -- with her crib and her Curious George serving as my "control" -- to see how big she's getting. And wow, she's getting BIG.
In the above photo, Evey is asleep in her crib. The shot was actually taken at night; the flash makes it look like daytime. I can assure you that, though she's on her knees with her butt up in the air, she's not praying to Allah. (Though, if she is, that's fine. But apparently the Sundays at St. Johns aren't taking like Adrianne is hoping.) Instead I think she is fighting off sleep with every ounce of energy she has. And when she finally succumbs to Mr. Sandman, she has no time to lay down -- it's sudden, and she goes to her knees, and then, boom, she's sleeping on her face. Since this looks uncomfortable, we usually put her in a more comfortable position. Other times, like this one, I just take photos and giggle.
Anyway, watching little Evey sleep... not a hobby I expected to have, but one that I enjoy.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Scan the man

I'm playing with my new scanner/copier/photo printer/printer.
Appropriate that I'm listening to the Beastie Boys' Paul's Boutique right now... because it was Greg Nunn who gave me this idea that I needed a scanner.
From top to bottom -- me and my dad, January 1978 (those are toy glasses); me in NYC, January 2000; me and Greg at Horde Fest 97 (and the photo that inspired the need for the scanner); me and Adro at Stark's wedding, 2006; me walking down the hill, KU graduation 2001 (that Bauer and Anne right behind me).

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
That's why the call him 'Big Poppa'!
Here's a photo I got on Saturday night of my dad ('Poppa' to the grandkids) and his three grandchildren -- Marina, Evelyn and Jett.
The kids are really drawn to my dad. It's cute. I didn't even set this photo up. Jett was already laying with my dad, then Marina came over, so he picked her up, then Evey came over, and put her head down on his chest.
Anyway... I promised a Roger Clemens post last week. Here it is.
I think Clemens juiced. I also think that no one should really care. And in 20 years from now, no one will care -- not even the governing bodies in baseball.
I met Clemens (you knew that was coming). He's a giant. His forearms are freakishly big. Seemed like an OK guy.
What I want to know is, why does the government care about steroids in sports? Isn't there anything else going on right now? How many troops died in Iraq today? How many meth labs franchised today? How many kids didn't have P.E. class?
You know what I think this is? It's modern day McCarthyism. Instead of chasing after commies, they're chasing after juicers. And the nation is enthralled with the story.
In the future, there will be so many ways to sneak 'roids through your system, they'll just have to open it up anyway. It's an even playing field if they all juice, right?
And Sam Gonzales' 182nd home run of the 2021 season sure will be exciting.
We don't realize it yet, but we're in the golden age of steroids. While they're reviled today, Barry Bonds will be known as a chemical pioneer to his baseball brethren of the future. They'll say he had the courage to juice. He broke down the barriers! They'll call it the Bonds Act -- the day they forgave everyone for juicing and opened up the record books to juicers and non-juicers alike.
Cue the patriotic music. God bless the U.S.A.!
Now... how the hell do we get out of Iraq? And does Evey get to play in P.E. class when she gets to school? How about recess -- will they still have that?
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Technical difficulties
Here I am, at my 'puter, ready to blog... but the blogger machine is having problemas. no photos allowed. Maybe it's all this rain.
Anyway, we'll resume our normal programming once the site is back to full strength. In the meantime, this haiku:
Oh Evey blog site,
Why do I post so often?
Attention I crave.
Anyway, we'll resume our normal programming once the site is back to full strength. In the meantime, this haiku:
Oh Evey blog site,
Why do I post so often?
Attention I crave.
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