Adrianne attended a few "Baby Sign Language" classes back in June. The idea being, babies communicate with their hands much faster than they communicate with words. Think of it this way -- how soon will a baby wave "bye-bye" to you? And how soon will the same baby say, "Bye-bye?"
So the first word we've been focusing on is "milk." Take your hand, and clench it in the air repeatedly, like you were milking an imaginary udder. Now you know the universal sign for milk. (Learning something at the blog... I need to be stopped.)
On Saturday, I'm working on the computer (all I do, it seems, these days). Adrianne hollers, "She did milk! She did milk!" I jump up, and yeah, she is sort of clenching her fist... is that really "milk"? I believe more than anyone else that my child is a genius -- these are the rules of parenting, after all -- so yeah, that was probably the "milk" sign.
But I wasn't totally sold.
And then, on Sunday... Evey is laying on her back, I'm playing with her in front of the TV. And I look down at her. She looks up at me. She slowly moves her hand in front of her face. Then she stares at it with a serious look on her face. Then, she slowly... clenches... her hand... and... opens... it... back... up! And she looks away from her hand, and right at her daddy!
I about fainted. "Adrianne, she did 'milk!' She did 'milk!'" We get her a bottle ASAP. We were so pumped -- what a rush!
But now, our excitement has gotten the best of us. Evey knows how excited we get when we see the sign for "milk." So now she's doing it quite often, I think just to entertain her parents.
What a sweetie.
Okay Cuz I finally got on!! YEA!! Pavlov Classic Conditioning!! Parents are great for this!! Pavlov did not have to torture poor dogs (Ponch RIP) he should have done the experiment with babies and parents!! GO EVEY!!! NEXT COLORS OR TEACH HER MOM AND DAD!! I LOVE IT!! SHE IS PRECIOUS!!
signing in for the first time. Milk'n the teet, Milk'n the teet baby... wait, was that out loud?
I think my mother told me that when Matthew "wants" something he puts is pointer finger into his flat palm on his other hand. I guess this stuff really works.
Get her to sign "Rock Chalk" or something!!!
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