We're minutes away from the NBA Draft. Love the NBA Draft. Another event my Dad and me used to watch together every year. I'll be leaving my Dad voicemails during the draft, letting him know who goes where.
Where will Juilan Wright end up? I don't know, I'm nervous for him now... it seems that a lot of scouts have him slipping now. I think he'll be a good pro, not great. I'm sure there will be some guys taken ahead of him that shouldn't be, though. But that's what's great about the draft.
(Pictured) Lorena Ochoa accepting the 2006 Outstanding Female Player of the Year award from the Golf Writers Association of America in Augusta, Ga. She got mine, and everyone's vote, I'm sure. Now she needs your vote for an ESPY award, outstanding female athlete of the year. Go here to vote for her. I interviewed Lorena last year and she's an absolute pleasure. And, she's Mexican. Viva la Raza.
Tonight we have Rosalina's (Adro's cousin) wedding rehearsal dinner. Yeah, I'm missing both the meat of the NBA draft as well as a sneak preview of "Transformers." But any leeway that scored me was used up this weekend, when I double-booked golf and waxing the Camaro on one day.
I went and saw "Live Free or Die Hard" on Tuesday. For a review, (please) click here.
During my mid-year review, my boss asked me what the worst part of my job was. I had to think about it. And I never really came up with an answer. She asked me if it was dealing with superintendent authors (I'm the liaison for supers who want to write for my magazine). I said no, which surprised her. That may be the most challenging part of my job, but by no means "worst." The good thing? I still really can't think of the worst part of my job. (Maybe that I have to wear pants to work.) And that makes me realize yet again... I really have been liking my job for the past three, four years. Loving it, even. And that's lucky.
OK, Adro and Evey just got home, so time to say goodbye!
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