Sorry for the down time. Just got back from five days in Augusta at the Masters. You understand, don't you?
Took today off to stay home with the kid. She has her 4-month (4-month!) check-up today, and we earlier thought we had a daycare conflict (that went away)... plus, I had some vacation I need to burn, so I'm home with Evey today. We're having a good time.
Five days is a long time to be away from your four-month-old. When I got back, the first thing I noticed about her was that she seemed longer and bigger in general. The second thing I noticed that her steely blue eyes were now a soft green. But that may have been based on the clothes she was wearing at the time, I don't know. I'm going to post two similar photos here, one of her eyesa few weeks ago (March 20, to be exact), the other from a shot I took five minutes ago. Is there a difference? The top photo is from five minutes ago, the bottom photo is March 20.
Anyway, like I said, I'm back. Hope we didn't lose all our readers in the 8-day break. I'll be back to regular posting now...
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