I enjoy coincidences, and I thought I’d share this one, because when it happened, I just laughed to myself and thought, “what are the odds?”
I was heading to town to pick up Boyd from school, but left a little early because I wanted to buy some propane for the HOJ patio torch. I get my refills from Gene’s in Eudora, because that seems to be the cheapest one around. I pulled into the closest open spot to the propane cage and as I parked, I looked forward and realized I was pulling up to the same car as I was driving — in front of me was a white Chevy Tahoe, maybe even the same year. I don’t see this same make/model too often, so I thought, “huh!”
I was in a bit of a hurry to make it in time to pick Bub up, so I quickly grabbed my empty tank and headed toward the cage. As I got closer I saw there was a loose tank already sitting there. I looked over and there’s a guy a little older than me nearby, waiting for his refill. I gave him a quick nod and almost said, “tell the guy to keep it open for me,” but I figured the extra tank would be enough of a sign…I go inside, pay and walk out and the Gene’s employee was waiting for me with my refill. I said thanks, grabbed it and started walking up the hill (the parking lot here is unusually sloped) and as I looked up, the guy who was waiting for his refill is throwing his refill in the back of the Tahoe that was across from me. I look at the two cars and the two of us with refills in our hands and I couldn’t help it, I asked him, “What are the odds? Same car, same refill, at the same time?” He laughed a little. Then I couldn’t help myself, I said, “Hold on, are you a time traveler? Are you me from the future? Because we even look a little bit alike!”He laughed and said, “Everything but the hair!” and then pulled off his Jayhawk hat to reveal … less hair than me, but pretty much the same head of hair!He asked me what year my Tahoe is — mine’s a 2011, his was a 2014 — and how I liked it. He told me he loves his car, he’s put a lot of miles on it, then he walked back into the grocery store, and that was that. Maybe I'm weird, but I couldn't help but think... what are the odds?