Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Friday, December 15, 2023
Girls got fresh cuts!
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Thanksgiving 2023
Great photo Evey!
Rod, next time we'll ask you to put the fork down so you can actually look at the camera!
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Evey's PopwerPoint presentation, junior year
Every year Evey gives us a PowerPoint that updates us on her school work, goals, plans for after high school, etc.
This was the opening slide for Evey's presentation. It was a GREAT presentation! It fills me with pride to see all the good work she is up to!
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Fajitas on the flattop!
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Happy 12th birthday Boyd Jones!
Happy birthday to this guy!
(Boyd Atticus... not that fish!)
((Unless it's also that fish's birthday and if that is the case, happy birthday to that fish, too!))
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Late September camping trip
It was very cool to take the kids camping again recently. Evey brought it up a while ago… when was the last time we went camping?
Emergency PB&Js |
Channeling the Progressive commercials “home owners turning into their parents” commercials, I told the lady — Oh, no, I brought my own tent.
Monopoly!!! |
Any fish in this ti-- |
You can tell Bub is sneezy |
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Trinity Forest
Saturday, September 9, 2023
The weekend that was, 9/9/23
We had a great weekend here, it was action-packed!
![]() |
This photo was from Labor Day, not this weekend... but it's a good photo. |
It started early, on Thursday, with the Chiefs / Lions NFL season kick-off. Boyd had soccer practice (I’m still the coach) so we ran out and did soccer from 5:30-6:30, then hustled home to open the HOJ. Luckily, I make my chili and queso during my lunch hour, so all I had to do was open up and get things ready for the game.
We had a great crew and a ton of food! Both neighbors came over — the Sandstroms and Cathy. Judy and Josh also came over. We had a salad, two different kinds of homemade chocolate chips and a veggie pizza that I refused to touch.
It was so much fun having a crowd at the HOJ and seeing everything getting enjoyed… pop-a-shot, Shinobi, the jukebox, the hot dog roller, the Simpsons game, Ms. Pac-Man. Only foosball went untouched. The ladies all sat around the new table and chatted during the first half. Stephen snuck in a nap on the couch, despite me hollering at the TV.
It should be noted that Boyd and Kieran defeated the Simpsons game, the first time we’ve ever seen that accomplished. There was a level toward the end that looked very much like a late level of Shinobi, replete with ninjas.
Mr. Burns was the final boss, as he should be. He was in an Iron Man like suit, similar to when J. Jonah Jameson donned the Spider-Slayer armor.
As you know, the Chiefs lost 21-20. I know what happened — it involves a jinx — but that’s OK, tough game and no Travis Kelce.
Friday I woke up kinda mad (read: hungover) about the game and wanted to talk to someone about it, but there’s no water cooler talk when you work from home. So I texted my buddy Jimmy and we met up at West Coast Saloon, home of the best cheeseburger in Lawrence. We discussed the game, work, etc. It was fun to catch up.
I came home and then worked for a little bit, then the kids got home so I chatted with them. I heated up some leftovers (queso, enchiladas, beans) then got my game face on again because the Jayhawks were playing against Illinois on ESPN2. So me, Adro and Judy came back over to the HOJ to watch. Well, Adro worked. Me and Judy watched. It was a fun game! And beautiful weather. The Jayhawks won… 34-21, I think? Jalen Daniels looked special, extra special.
I only called him Jalen Wilson once, and then added I didn’t know where Jalen Wilson was but I’m sure he was playing basketball and not football. This got a laugh from Adrianne, which is always a win.
Saturday came up on me fast! We had a soccer game, the first of Boyd’s 5th/6th grade fall season.
We looked good! Won 6-1, and Boyd scored our second and third goals. He took a shot from distance earlier, but it was right at the goalie. He figured out pretty quickly that he could dribble past their defense, so he wove his way up to a point-blank shot both times, and tucked it in the corner.
I’m so stressed, and trying to keep the game organized, it’s hard for me to keep track of his goals. I know both were pretty good and showed a lot of skill. I did pull him after the second goal, then put him in at defense for a shift. I let him attack late in the game and the ball never came to him. He wanted the hat trick, but it didn’t happen. I didn’t want to humiliate the other team, we’ve been on the receiving end of that before. Boyd was cool with all of that, he was happy he got a chance late in the game.
I think I did a decent job of coaching. It’s intense, especially with such a big group (14 kids today, we play 9 v 9. We’ll have 17 when we’re fully staffed.)
I didn’t make anyone cry, and I only got a little curt with one kid, but he didn’t mind.
Following soccer, I took Evey to work to Eagle Bend so we could work on her putting. She actually drove me, which was nice. I relaxed and enjoyed the ride. We took country back roads and saw 1) a woman riding a horse, who waved and 2) a turkey vulture on top of a phone pole with its wings fully outstretched.
Evey’s putting looked pretty good, mostly. She might have been aiming her putter a little to the right, but we corrected that. At one point she dropped three five-footers in a row.
It just takes practice.
Following golf we went to 23rd Street Brewery. I didn’t ask, I told Evey, we deserve lunch. She asked me, “do you always get lunch after you play golf?” and I said yes, it’s a tradition, and when we play Eagle Bend, we always go to 23rd Street Brewery.
We sat near the TV with the K-State game on. Evey got a flatbread pizza, I got the chicken tenders with French fries.
Honestly, the food was amazing. The setting was great. The company, my favorite girl in the world. It was nice chatting with her and just being there. This was my favorite part of the weekend, even above Boyd’s two goals. (But the goals were also awesome.)
Now I’m back from the barbershop, in the HOJ. I caught up a little on work (trying to make good on that long trip to West Coast during business hours!) And now I’m dreading packing… I land in Dallas tomorrow at 7:40 a.m.
Dallas this week, San Francisco next week.
Life moves fast.
Monday, August 28, 2023
Friday, August 25, 2023
Cheers to Alan from McAllen
Hello everyone.
Sorry for the long gap between posts. We had a busy, unusual and at times difficult summer. Adrianne lost her dad on July 30th. The kids lost their grandpa. I lost my father-in-law and a good friend.
Here is a website that pays tribute to Alan, with tons of photos.
The family was kind enough to ask me to say a few words at the service. Here is my eulogy.
I’m honored that Diana asked me to say a few words about my father-in-law, Alan. Before I speak about Alan… Diana, we’re so sorry for your loss. Thank you for all the hard work you put in taking care of Alan over these difficult months.
I’m Seth. About 20 years ago, a beautiful young girl started working in my office, so I changed where I parked, so I had an excuse to walk by her desk four times a day. Now, today, I’m happy to say Adrianne and I have a beautiful family, Evey is 16 and Boyd is 11, and we’ve been part of the Weibel family ever since.
I remember the first time I met Alan, was at the Holidome in Lawrence. The Holidome is a fancy way of saying ‘Holiday Inn with an indoor pool.’ I was nervous. Adrianne told me I’d love her dad, but I was intimidated to meet him… his work as a private investigator seemed daunting. This guy was probably going to size me up pretty quick, and did he already do a background check on me and if so, what did he find?
Turns out, Adrianne was right. We became friends instantly. How often do we make new friends in everyday life? And I met a friend, a father-in-law, a grandpa and eventually even my dad that day.
I still remember the day I called him to ask for permission to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. I was so nervous! I remember exactly where I was sitting, down to the couch cushion. I knew Alan knew something was up for me to call him, and when I told him the reason for my call, and asked for his blessing, he said, “Well, Seth, haha… I think that sounds wonderful.”
How lucky was I to have a man like Alan on the other end of that call? I think any married man in this room knows what I mean … Alan was a great father-in-law. So kind, laid-back. I feel like he started most of his stories to me like that. “Well, Seth… haha…” And buckle up because he was such a great storyteller. He was full of great one-liners.
We found some old letters from him recently… they were long, written on rice paper. I didn’t think I’d read the whole thing… but it sucked me in. I laughed out loud multiple time. he was writing about the small town where he lived. He said the town was so small, they didn’t even have a town drunk… they all had to take turns.
Alan lived an amazing life, from his time in the Peace Corps, to his time in the Army, stationed in Germany, to his travels around Mexico. Diana found his paperwork for the Veteran’s cemetery, he filled it out ten years ago. He wrote his own message on his headstone: life’s journey is without a map. Well said.
I think about Alan and I think of all the things he did, the things he saw, the various places he lived, the horses he owned. He equal was part Indiana Jones, MacGyver and Magnum, P.I. He was an adventurer. He was on a quest to meet everyone and learn about their stories. That’s a rare thing about a great storyteller … many just want to tell stories. Alan also wanted to hear stories.
And I have to tell you that Alan was a tremendous grandfather. He loved Evey and Boyd so much! Once the kids came along, we’d see Alan and Di much more often. We’d visit, they’d visit. Evey gave Boyd the nickname Bubba when he was a baby. That was the only name Alan ever used for Boyd, I think he was both loyal to Evey’s nickname, and liked that he had a nickname for Boyd that no one else was using. It always made me feel good to hear Alan ask, “How is Evey and Bubba doing?”
I want to thank Alan for the many bottles of tequila over the years. That was a regular thoughtful gift he’d give me, whenever he traveled to Mexico, he bring me back a bottle of Maestro blue. And whenever we were together, whether we were watching football, the Jayhawks or the NBA playoffs, he was great at sneaking in a tequila shot at halftime. “Seth, if the Jayhawks are winning at halftime, we better do a shot to keep it going.” The Jayhawks are losing at halftime. “Seth, we better do a shot of tequila to rally the Jayhawks!”
I told Aaron this the other day… there was a strange coincidence about 15 years ago, we lost my dad, and Adrianne lost both of her grandpas, within about 10 days of each other. I’m so grateful I had Alan as a father figure in my life, to fill that void, over these last 15 years.
I hope that after we all move along from here, you’ll raise a shot of tequila and do a cheers to a wonderful man, Alan from McAllen.
Thursday, July 27, 2023
The Aquarium
Duck pin bowling in Ohio City
Royals Vs. Guardians
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Friday, July 14, 2023
4th of July
Sunday, June 25, 2023
I like your style
Thursday, June 1, 2023
If the hat fits…
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Friday, May 26, 2023
One fine cake maker
Evey made a deluxe-o cake for the party... it was double-layer and everything!
Funny note about the cake: for the following few days, Judy came over every day around 10 a.m. and had some of the cake with milk. It was her breakfast for a few days. A breakfast of champions!
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day!
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Evey got her braces off!
This photo was taken the morning she was getting them removed (5/4/23)... I'll post an "after" photo soon.
Her smile looks amazing!
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Eudora Cardinals 5th/6th soccer, that's a wrap!
That's a wrap on Bub's soccer season. Evey still has a few games to go.
Pictured are 8 of the 12 kids on our team. Clockwise lower left to right: Lucas, Aidan, Boyd, Greyson, Caidence, Leo, Tony (Leo and Tony are brothers) and Lyla. Not pictured: Kaleb, Eli, Owen and Tyler.
We won our first game of the season then lost the next five. We were "in" all but one of the games. Trouble scoring and also a hesitance on defense, once the other team broke through.
I'm pretty sure I cost us two of those games, based on bad substitutions. But we also lacked soccer common sense at times. The kids that were good were GOOD and then some of the other kids lacked awareness. I'm talking handballs, bad positioning, lack of effort, etc.
We had some highlights, that's for sure. Boyd tied for the Golden Boot, with three goals on the season. Lucas also had three goals on the season.
It was a good team, better than their record reflected. I've got a million excuses why... short-handed at times, slow-starting at times...
Still I'll say they were a better team in practice than they were in games. I was that same person in my sports career.
But I'm trying to teach them that it's fun to play, it's good to be competitive, to be teammates. And it's awesome to win while losing sucks.
Boyd LOVES soccer. The best matches we have are between him and Evey, here at the house. They're going to keep making each other better, the more they practice against each other.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Spring photo
Friday, April 21, 2023
Friday, April 14, 2023
Taco Bell's delicious Winterberry Blast Mountain Dew
I don't know what those sodas are actually called but it sounds like something Ricky Bobby would say, so I'll go with that.
The other day we decided to try Taco Bell for breakfast after church. The kids were THRILLED. It's a place we never go, but it seems like they consider it a magical, "special" place to go for food. While in my mind, it's a place you only go after the bars close at 2 am, and you regret it the next morning.
It was a decent breakfast! The crew in there on Sunday morning were all bright and kind. We were the only people inside the dining room. The manager even gave me Evey's soda for free, rather than ringing me up a separate transaction as we were wrapping up.
The kids like the commercials and they always go "DONG!" when we drive by Taco Bell.
I would go back for breakfast sometime. I would order the taco wrap, or whatever it is called, next time...
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Hamilton 2023
Friday, March 31, 2023
Letter from Commissioner Bill Kentling
Coach Jones,
Congratulations on the 3-2, come from behind win against the other Eudora team on Saturday.
Since you won the only head-to-head match-up with the other Eudora team this season, that earns your team the right to adopt the team name of our high school teams… your team will now be known as the Cardinals.
Continue to represent our fine town as you play against De Soto and Baldwin the rest of the season!
All the best,
Bill Kentling
Youth Soccer Leagues of America (YSLA)
Cleveland, Ohio
Monday, March 27, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Spring Break 2023
Boyd kicked it off with this group of jokers over for a sleepover. They stayed up until 5:30 am!
Otherwise we're just chilling. Adro and I are both working, the kids just hanging loose.
We did watch Elvis as a family on Monday night... it was decent. Both kids made it the whole way through. Evey liked it, Boyd thought it was OK.
I liked it... it was a little too long and kinda sad, in general. The actor who played Elvis did a nice job though.
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Sunday, February 26, 2023
The weekend that was, 2/24/23
Photo from President's Day, kids had the day off, weather was beautiful, and Evey made homemade pizzas for all of us! |
It was a good weekend… let’s recap.