I was flip-flopping around with Evey tonight when she told me she wanted to give me a "big splash."
You might remember that suplexes got outlawed a few months ago when I busted Evey's lip. So the new WWF move is the "big splash." It's like a half-assed body slam. It looks like a body slam, but I catch myself with my arms and my knees before my torso can squish Evey.
When she gives me a big splash, she goes all-out, and I just catch her mid-air, then slowly let her down, to prevent injury to either of us.
The only other key to the big splash is you have to yell, "Big splash!" when you're giving the aforementioned big... splash. It is most effective when you do this in a WWF announcer voice.
Whoever is on the receiving end of the BS shouts out, "NO! DON'T GIVE ME A BIG SPLASH!!! NOOO!!!"
So Evey was about to give me a big splash, but apparently, I wasn't playing the part well enough.
She said, "Daddy, you have to yell, 'DON'T GIVE ME A BIG SPLASH!'"
But when she started quoting me, she lowered her voice as low as it could go, trying to imitate me saying this.
Evey trying to do a Daddy voice? Well, it was not quite the mix of baritone and monotone that is my voice. It was more, "Evey needs to clear her throat" than anything else.
Yet I was still impressed.