Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Bob the Barber
It's hot out, you're parched. You finally get to sit down with a drink. You can have any drink in the world.
Adro said "water." That's obviously hard to argue. I love water. I drink a ton while I'm at work everyday.
Other super-refreshing drinks, in my opinion: root beer float (sans the ice cream) and a well-made Route 44 cherry limeade from Sonic. (the limeade is always a risk, though, because those always vary in flavor)
What do you find most refreshing? I'm interested. Post your choice in the comments section!
Quick story about Bob the Barber:
Adro, Judy and Evey are at Kohl's on Sunday. Adro is trying on clothes while Evey and Judy wait. Outside the dressing room, an older gent by the name of Bob strikes up a conversation with Judy and Evey.
Turns out that Bob is a barber. "I cut lots of kids' hair," he told Judy. Judy told Bob that her son-in-law cut Evey's hair. "He did a great job!" he told her, surprised that an amateur hooked it up. (This photo is pre-haircut, btw.)
Bob tries to guess Evey's age. He guesses age 4. Judy tells him 2-and-a-half. He's shocked. Bob's wife comes out of the dressing room. "How old do you think this little girl is?" he asks her. "I'd say she's Tyler's age -- about 4?" "She's only 2!"
Evey and Judy say goodbye to Bob and his wife as they go on.
After Adro finishes with the dressing room, the girls leave to pay. On the way to the cashier, they run into Bob, his wife, and their friends. Bob stops the girls, and asks his friends how old they think Evey is.
"About 4?" The woman guesses. "She's only 2!" Bob exclaims.
Of course, Evey was just eating all this attention up, I'm told.
Between all the attention she got at Kohl's, and all the attention she got at the Fiesta... it's going to get easier cutting her hair, because her head is going to get big!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Art project
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Bee girl
I had a great one. Got a new grill and a string-trimmer from Adro and Evey. Also, Judy got me a Best Buy gift card. Thank you girls!
Finally getting back into the swing of things after a few days on the road. I might have to tell the story of getting stuck in Chicago sometime, but not right now -- I don't want to relive that day so soon.
Cute things Evey did recently:
I tell Evey stories every once in a while before bedtime. Well, the other day, as I was drying her off after her bath, she told me a story. It went like this...
Once upon a time, far far away. Girl, Evey Jones, and her name was Daddy. Live in a castle. The end!
Not bad for her first story, I'd say!
Evey can reach the light switches now, so she likes showing off that talent.
Adro tried to teach Evey a "happy father's day!" song today. It involved the tambourine and some singing. They practiced it, and then it was time for the performance. But when they sang it for me, Evey made a last-second lyrics change... she sang "I love papa!" rather than "I love daddy!" Papa is my dad, Boyd. So Adro tried to get Evey to sing "I love daddy!" but she was happy with the "I love papa!" song. After she got done with it, I told her I'm sure Papa would have enjoyed it. Oh well!
Photo is of Evey showing off her bee tattoo...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Site of JFK assassinatin
Me and Evey in Dallas at the site where JFK was assassinated. The "X" on the pavement behind us represents the spot.
We were going to go up to the 6th Floor Museum, but it was something like $15 per person, kids were $10, and the museum was about to close in 30 minutes, so we decided to just walk around a little bit. Our hotel was the downtown Dallas Hyatt (the one with the giant illuminated golf ball) so we were within walking distance of all this.
We ended up saving our money, going back to the Hyatt bar, and splitting a quesadilla three ways while Evey ran around the empty Hyatt bar. And we had a good time doing that, actually.
Anyway, me and Adro want to watch "JFK" now that we were down there. Try to figure out where the grassy knoll was, exactly, etc.
(Note: Not trying to trivialize the tragedy that was the JFK assassination -- just sharing a photo of a historic site we visited.)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
If you read any of my text-message blogs from Texas, you know we hit Whataburger ALOT. It's a tradition, though.
Me and Adro -- and now Evey Jones -- all love Whataburger. But we don't have one in Kansas. The nearest one is in Oklahoma City. So when we go south, we hit a few Whataburgers. And it is good.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Random thoughts
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Cheers to Bob Frederick
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
More capitol pics
Everyone... is so near

- It's overcast outside
- I just took this photo with my beautiful bride 20 minutes ago
- Radiohead is playing on my Pandora station "The National Anthem" (hence, the title of this post)
- I got a funny voicemail from my best friend
- I'm making spagehtti tonight
- I feel like I wrote something good today (July's "Inside GCM")
Oh, man... you know what I just thought of? I had a good workout over my lunch hour. My first time in the gym in a long time. I wonder if I'm on a high from that workout still? You know, the blood pumping faster through your body, brain-actually-working feeling you get after a workout? That might be a part of it.
Radiohead too, surely.
I'll try to blog again tonight with some more photos of Evey in Texas. I've got a lot of them.
Oh, hey -- I've got a new story up on http://www.comicbookresources.com/ -- it's about Radioactive Man and the Simpsons. It's an interview with writer Batton Lash. Check it out here: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=21525
Now Muse is on my http://www.pandora.com/ station. "City of Delusion" gets a THUMB'S UP. There. Email me if you want me to email you any of my Pandora stations. I'd be happy to share.
YEAH! Now Kenna is on. "Out of Control."
Oh, you gotta check this out: Solo is sharing some of our ancient secret recipes on his blog: http://solospace5.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!8F50C65AFB33E4B9!1937.entry
OK, I'm shutting down soon... ready to get outta here.
Monday, June 8, 2009
A capital capitol
Sunday, June 7, 2009
No hands!
Did you catch game 2 of the finals? Too bad the rookie missed the alley-oop that would have won the game, I hope he isn't taking it too hard.
Also, did you see Stewart Cink bean that fan at the Memorial on Saturday? The camera zoomed in just in time for the guy to pull his hand off his head and see all the blood. Ouch!
More to come this week... I'm tired. Time to stop rambling and go to bed...