Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Reader feedback
The first one is from Kendall, not a response to any of the questions, per se, just a vote on what her and Grey's choice for best post is:
I'm officially writing to weigh in on the best post of Especially Evey. Grey and I LOVE the post where you have a video of Evey in the living room and she's just being super silly and putting something from the coffee table on her head. That's our vote... Kendall (& Grey)
Thank you, Kendall and Grey! One of my faovrites too. Evey will never be that young again, you know? Glad I have that moment on video.
Now, over to Steph:
I just wanted to send you a message to let you know that I do follow Evey’s Blog, I somehow manage to find time in my busy schedule to stop by and see what Evey is up to. I enjoy seeing what she is up to and watching her grow up. It’s just amazing how fast time seems to go by. I found the picture of Julian and Evey in the post from February 13, 2007, it was their first meeting at the bowling alley... Anyway, keep the posts coming and hopefully we can get together soon so that Julian and Evey can play.
Thanks for reading, Steph! Time does fly. We'll keep doing those yearly photos of Julian and Evelyn at the bowling alley up until the age when they want to meet there without parental supervision, and then that whole tradition is OVER -- hear me, JULIAN?!?
My pal Travis answered a few of my questions!
What do you like about this blog?
It shows just how devoted you are to your family. Oh, you could use this space to rant on a political agenda or constantly yak about your 15 foot fade away but you don't. You talk about your daughter, your wife, your extended family. And it shows. In a small way, it lets me (and the audience) connect with you and yours without ever really being there.
Do you have a favorite moment from this blog?
Well, it was nice when you devoted a whole post to my kids. That made me all warm and fuzzy. I don't really have one favorite moment, just a continuous series of them. I get to hang out with the Jones', so to speak, in spirit.
Just basic well wishes on 500 posts:
You're doing a fantastic job with this. I remember when we had the conversation about the blogs being like a scrapbook and if we could save them for 10 years or something. I think Evey will look back on these posts and know that her parents really loved her.
Thanks Trav! Trav also had some other comments, but I pared it down a little bit. One thing he suggested was that I "expand my range" on blog posts, and suggested Lawrence landmarks, or where I work, or my co-workers, etc., as possible topics. And that's a great suggestion, Trav. I do plan on doing some new things soon, including "my favorite glasses" (seriously), "my favorite T-shirts" and a feature tentatively titled, "Guess how drunk I am and what I'm eating."
Another good friend of the blog, Hulk Hogan, also dropped some great feedback, just like he does the atomic leg drop:

Hey, brother, it's the Hulkster here. You know, when I first started reading your blog, it made me think of how all the Hulkamaniacs out there are growing up fast. What a great job you're doing here, brother, with the blogging and the spell check and the color pictures and everything. I mean, if I had to do it all over again, I would have probably made "Hogan Knows Best" a blog rather than a TV reality series on VH-1, brother, because then maybe Linda wouldn't have gone crazy on me. Keep eating your vitamins and saying your prayers, brother!
Thanks Hulk! Appreciate you reading and I wish your family all the best.
Barack Obama decided he had a few minutes to look away from the economy and check out my blog. Here are a few of his comments (pared down from the original 17,000-word email):
Yes we can. And yes you did. Five hundred posts! It's achievements like this... that show the greatness... of the American spirit.

Seth, I want you to know that I saw the support that especiallyevey.blogspot.com lent to my candidacy, very early on. Michelle and I want to say... thank you. Tell that little girl to keep reaching for the stars! We'll be watching you... on-line.
Wow, I'm flattered, Mr. President. I'll get back to you on some of your questions you had soon, I promise.
Last comments go to another person many of us know -- Mr. Bret Michaels:

Oh, hey, what's this? My guitar? Hmm. Wow, it's tuned, too. =Ahem= Every rose, has it's thorn-nnnn. Just like evvvvvv...
Sorry to cut you off, Bret, but we've reached our, uh, space limit on this post. Thanks to everyone who commented! And thanks to everyone who has been reading along with us for the past 2+ years! Cheers, everyone.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Best. Post. Ever.
Coming tomorrow -- the readers speak out on especiallyevey.blogspot.com!
I might be starting to crack a little bit.
For the last few nights, Evey has really wanted my attention. Adro and Judy can be sitting right there doing nothing, and I can be obviously busy doing something, and Evey will be saying, "Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad."
And then there's the, "What, Evey?"
And she'll point to this bubble bath bottle she has. It has Snow White (or Cinderella, whoever), Sleeping Beauty (I think) and the Little Mermaid on it.
"Who's that?" she'll ask.
"The Little Mermaid."
"Who's that?" she'll ask, pointing to the next character.
"Snow White."
"Who's that?"
"Sleeping Beauty," I'll say, finishing the trio. She'll look at me for a full beat, and then,
"Daddy! Who's that?"
Do you know how I occupied Evey for about 30 minutes the other day? She saw her mom cutting coupons. Then Adro gave her some coupons which she didn't want. So I told Evey to go get her grocery store cash register. It's got pictures of food on it where there would be numbers; a little gun that does the scanning; even a little microphone that you can grab and say, "I got a price check -- Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch. PRICE CHECK!" (the microphone doesn't technically work, though I use it anyway... we have to do a lot of price checks in my house.)
So I hand Evey a coupon, tell her I want to save 55 cents on bean dip. She grabs the coupon, then scans it. About twenty times. Then I hand her the next coupon, and tell her I want to save $1 on Chex Mix. She then scans that coupon thirty times.
We did this for thirty minutes. Coupon, coupon, coupon. Scan, scan, scan.
I can't help but think, somewhere, a father just like me is playing with Matchbox cars. Or G.I. Joe. Or worse, Spider-Man.
You know how close I get to playing Spider-Man? Two ways:
1. Evey loves the itsy bitsy spider. Oh, great, I can sing the itsy bitsy spider.
2. The other day, she walked up to the Spider-Man chair my sister got her, and she said, "Here, Spider-Man... take your medicine!"
He was bitten by a $&%^$#&* radioactive spider, and he does not need medicine. What he needs is to kick some ass, villains like Sandman, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, Electro. He needs to WEB-SWING!
But, nooooo. My kid is giving Spider-Man medicine.
(Oh, and check out this video I did.)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
taste for life
Highlight of the weekend: Saturday night, I put on the KROQ concert, streamed live on-line from L.A. Evey was with me. She LOVED IT. Jammed good to Weezer, then REALLY got down to the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. Evey had different dances to the different songs, and she also emulated Karen O, chugging her juice just like Karen pounded her water.
Hope Evey will forgive me for the typical spaghetti pic. (I also have it on video.)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wheatfield, Ind.
I still haven't had a chance to really write about our trip to Wheatfield yet!
I turned 32 on April 26th. For my birthday, I wanted to take Adro and Evey to my hometown of Wheatfield, Ind., located in northwest Indiana. I haven't ever taken Adro there, so I wanted her to see it.
I was born in Wheatfield, but grew up in Mulvane. I lived in Wheatfield from '77 to '82.
The road trip was great. It's a 10-hour drive to Wheatfield from Lawrence -- longer if you stop at the same McDonald's we did -- but Evey really enjoyed the road trip. We sang songs, counted water towers, played with the toy baby, took a few naps, read books... we brought a portable DVD player with us but didn't even use it on the way there.
Got to Wheatfield at about 9:30 on Friday night (after taking a break in St. Louis at the Children's Palace -- more on that later). We stayed at Mike and Marilyn's house. Mike has been my dad's best friend since they were little boys.
Saturday morning we got up and walked over to Bea and Junior's house. Bea and Junior are Mike's folks, and they've been like family to me for as long as I can remember. Bea refers to me as her nephew, and I think of her as something of a grandma. (My Grandma Iris, my father's mother, died in 1994. Grandma Iris was a wonderful person and I have fond memories of her. I wish she could have met my wife and daughter too.) ((I never met my father's father, Top. He died before I was born.))
Bea made one of her world famous breakfasts for us that morning, and then luck had it that Wheatfield, a tiny town of 1,400, was holding it's little league baseball parade that morning. So Evey got to see a parade.
We then relaxed, walked around the town. I took the girls by Dave and Sue's house, hoping to show her Wheatfield's most haunted house, but they weren;t home. We did get to visit with friends Larry and Mary and see Mike and Marilyn's grandson, Gage. Junior took us to the local golf course where I met the owner and superintendent.
Evey got to run all over the place, Mike and Marilyn's house was very kid friendly. We had a birthday/anniversary dinner at Mike and Marilyn's house Saturday night (they were married April 26th, 1976, my birthday was a year to the day later).
And then the next morning, we got on the road. It was wheels-up at 8:30 a.m. Back home by 6 p.m. On the way home, Evey watched a lot of movies, Adro read a ton of magazine, and I finished a graphic novel I had checked out from the library.
It was a short trip but a fun one. Adrianne is up for returning soon, her and Evey had such a nice time. And that meant a lot to me, because honestly, there's not a lot to do in Wheatfield, but it's where I'm from, and I have a love for that town, the people there and the memories of going back every summer to visit our friends there.
I was watching the Bulls/Celtics game 6, and they showed the Chicago skyline. I saw that beautiful skyline, with Lake Michigan in the foreground, and I told Adrianne, "I'd like to take you girls to Chicago sometime." And she responded, "You can take us anywhere -- we had such a good time in Wheatfield, I really don't mind road-tripping anywhere." And that was a cool moment for me, because that just made me feel like I have a tightly knit family, a family that can go somewhere as desolate as Wheatfield or as busy as Chicago, and it's going to be fun either way, because we're all together.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The most interesting girls in the world
The other can hear oncoming trains before you, and then warn you that that train is "behind you."
One once went into a grocery store and left with groceries, as well as more money than she went in with.
The other wouldn't mind eating mac and cheese for breakfast.
One believes that cheese should be involved in ever meal, and places that don't have cheese -- especially sushi places -- are a complete waste of time.
The other once served a toy tomato and a toy bedpan to her father and said, "eat it."
"We don't always drink beer, but when we do... we prefer Bohemia."
And if you totally don't get it, check out this YouTube clip:
Stay thirsty my friends.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
So, I had to wear a suit to work the last two days -- VIPs in the office, you know how it is. But Evey isn't used to seeing me in a suit. I hardly ever wear one.
So on Monday I'm getting her dressed and she looks at my suit, then grabs my tie and studies it. Then she looks at me and says, "Obama?"
And I laughed and said, "Yes, sweetie, daddy is dressed up like Obama today!"
She giggled, I laughed, and we went on with getting ready.
Then, this morning, I'm again getting her ready. She eagerly grabs my tie, looks at me and smiles. "LIKE Obama!" she says.
Yup, sweetheart. What can I say, you're not only smart, you're funny, too.