Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Bella Boom's B-day

A couple photos from Bella Neuteboom's birthday party two weekends ago. Great party. After the cake and ice cream, Evey and Grey started following each other around this loop in the Averill's house. Then Rick started doing a Donald Duck impression every time the kids came by, which just slayed them both. They couldn't get enough of it. The middle two photos are them laughing at the Donald Duck voice. The other two photos are of Bella enjoying some cake and Bella feeding her Grandpa J.P. some of the cake.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Four more shopping days...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Some original Evey Jones art
"smiley face." Her face is more stoic, not quite sad, not quite happy. Introspective.

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Looking for the perfect Michael Jackson Christmas gift?

Friday, December 11, 2009
Minutes away from taking Adro out on a date
The basement.
And no, "The basement" isn't the name of some cool, hip, new underground club in Kansas City. It's really OUR BASEMENT.
Adro had a great idea today. Judy is babysitting for us. We get Evey in her pajamas, kiss her goodbye, open and close the garage door, and then... lock ourselves in the basement. MOVIE NIGHT!!! I'm excited. My boss, Ed, cracked me up when I told him my plan. "Wow, think of how far you've come... you now have a babysitter so you can... STAY IN!"
I think we'll watch Tropic Thunder, then maybe RocknRolla, if Adro is still awake.
I'm scanning some stuff right now for my "Seth's Got Tix!" blog. Check out my ticket to the Thom Yorke show! Man, that was an amazing show. I need to do a huge write-up on that show someday, so I can totally lose all my readers.
My Boulevard Wheat is dry. I've timed it, I can go downstairs, refill my beer, and be back upstairs in one minute...

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Where the wild thing is
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Birthday girl!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Pancake breakfast, thoughts on biscuits and gravy

Qualities that I think makes a good biscuits and gravy:
- First and foremost, the gravy has to be HOT! So hot it can warm my soul.
- The gravy should not look like paste. Smooth gravy is not necessarily best. I want to see some texture that shows me this stuff was actually made by someone.
- Lots of sausage.
- It should have a little kick -- a little bit peppery.
- The biscuits need to be giant and fluffy.
The b&g at Hy-Vee was just "OK." The b&g at Anthony's in Eudora is pretty awesome.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
She likes balloons!
She tells us that for her birthday, she wants "five balloons." That's all she wants. Balloons.
Evey's birthday is only days away. Now you know what she wants. Balloons. And any comics with Steve Ditko art.
I can't believe she'll be 3. It goes so fast. And she's literally growing before our eyes. She got in the tub the other day, and I was like, "what the heck? She got taller?" Something about seeing her with that static background, I realized how much she had grown in recent weeks. Uncanny.
Not much else to report. I haven't been blogging much lately. I think this is because 1) the office is easily bypassed on my way to bed each night (at the old house, I had to walk right past the computer to get to bed) and 2) the office is the one room in the house that isn't "finished" yet, and I think that if I'm in here, I should be working on the room, not typing on the computer.
More later. I have to work on this office...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Back from the future?
I was at Dillons on 6th and Wakarusa. Walk towards the door, Adro is with me. Older gentlemen -- a Dillons employee -- short, salt-and-pepper hair, opens the door for me.
He says something to me. Sounds like he said, "I like your jacket," or something, hard for me to tell -- I'm having this problem hearing. So I just say, "Thanks." Then he mutters something else. I say, "What?" thinking maybe I misheard him. It's at this moment that I realize that the Dillons doorman is somewhat mentally challenged, and perhaps the reason I'm not understanding him clearly isn't just because of my ear.
Then he says, more clearly this time, "You look familiar."
He has a bit of a crazy look at this point, so I just say, "OK!" and move along.
That's when he hit me with it:
"Are you... me?"
I look at him. He looks at me.
"Uh, no, I don't think so."
I walk away.
There's no way this guy was me. From the future. He was shorter. Much shorter. Like, 5'5" to my 6'3".
But you know what? Other than the height... we did sort of look alike.
So now, I'm freaking out. What if my time machine... causes me to shrink? And what if it has an effect on my mind?
OK, that settles it. There's no way in hell I'm ever time-travelling.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I like ballons
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Super Evey/Daddy Tag-Team
If I ask you to repeat yourself multiple times, I'm sorry. I can't hear shit, especially when I'm eating (all I hear are the sounds inside my head).
This is how you change the time on my clock in my car:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Evey reads The Simpsons
The band TV on the Radio is just too weird for me. I like "Wolf Like Me," but otherwise, I can't get through this CD. The new Pearl Jam CD, btw, is excellent, if you haven't already picked it up. My next CD purchase will probably be the new Muse CD, although that single is getting way overplayed on 96.5.
That doesn't mean I don't try, though.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Pumpkin patch '09
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Big, big news.
The Jones family has MOVED!
That's right, we moved on Halloween. We are now Eudorians. We are very proud.
Here are a couple photographs of the house. Front, with Evey proudly standing in her new front yard, and back, with Evey letting herself out into her new backyard.
I'm really excited about that back deck. That's a 350-square-foot back deck there. Yep.
A big thanks goes out to all of our movers:
Copy Jesus
Danny P.
Jeff H.
Jeff K.
More on all of this soon. For now, we're busy unpacking!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Biggest disappointment
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Flash Forward
- Why doesn't the L.A. FBI branch just say, "Hey, don't like our stuff? Look at this... at the Detroit Tigers game... see that? That guy isn't blacked out!" That's their smoking gun right there. Use it!
- Is there a more unlikable character on the show that Dr. Bedford? Come to think of it, ALL the characters are unlikable... and that's what had me so mad last week. Who am I supposed to root for? Agent Noh sucks. Aaron can't act. Agent Bedford is obsessed with his wall and his future drinking. The only guy I kind of like is Bryce, and he's seemingly a minor character.
- Back to Dr. B -- why wouldn't she just be like, "Hey dude, you were in my vision... but I'm married, so get out of my life?" Similarly, why wouldn't Agent Noh just say, "You know what? I'm quitting my job, and I'm going to go camping in the Rockies for the next six months, but I'll tell everyone I'm back-packing Europe."
- So, did the President call in the hit, or is that a curveball, and really, it's some Flash-Forward insiders after our LA Feds? Just a thought.
OK, that's all for now. Probably only two other people who read this blog are watching this show over "Survivor" anyway, right?
Hey, anyone know anybody who is looking to buy two adult GA tickets to the KU/OU game this Saturday? I'm leaning toward not going, I think I'm not yet well enough to sit out there in 50-degree weather.
Check out that image from MY Flash Forward. Yeah, like I said, playing shuffleboard, Rick's, my team is winning... but something strange: I don't think I live in Lawrence anymore. And Rick's has added a mirror to their men's room?
These 'flash forwards' can't be true, right?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
New camera
Adro did some QVC shopping the other day and showed me the "Today's
So far so good. Still learning on it.
The toy in front of Evey is a play cake that you can stack up, 10 layers high. Each layer is numbered. She likes building it up, saying the numbers aloud in English then Spanish, then knocking the whole thing over triumphantly. I have to admit, I enjoy this too. No muss, no fuss.
Evey is also obsessed with Play-Doh. I am NOT a fan of Play-Doh. But Evey thinks it's the best thing EVER.
Tomorrow is Thursday. This week is going by kind of fast...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Four quick Evey stories
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The band's back together
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
One month today (14th)

Monday, October 12, 2009
Top 10 things that gross me out

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Saturday was a good day. I got up early and got a haircut. By the time I got back, Evey was still asleep, so Adro took off for the 6-hour sale at Hy-Vee. She came back in less than six hours with a TON of food. Good stuff, at a fraction of the price.
Her best deal -- she bought a bunch of the sausages, you know the ones, they're either "smoked sausage" or "polska kielbasa" or whatever -- they're all good. Regular price, $3.99. A price I'm happy to pay.
But that price is WAY TOO MUCH FOR ADRO!
Because she bought them on sale, half off! Only $1.99!
There was a $1.50 off coupon right there next to the things! So she grabs a stack... and checks it out. She grabs four of these sausages on round one. Cha-ching! They ring up at 50 cents each.
So she goes back for five more!
After the 6-hour sale, we jump in the car to head to Wichita. And yes, I'm freaking out. Because I wanted to be rolling by a certain time, and we were now about 10 minutes off my certain time. How quickly I forget 50 cent sausages. Sorry, Adro.
The 3-D looked pretty good and I think everyone enjoyed the movies. The jumbo popcorn and Pepsi both came with free refills, so we all were overdosed on those, but still, a good time.
After the movie we went one block East to visit my Dad. They still have the green netting on top of the spot, no headstone yet. Left some flowers, exchanged a few hugs with Mom, Adro and Evey. It's still shocking to go there and think... this is forever, I'm not seeing that guy again except for in dreams, in photos and a few videos. We have a football game this Saturday and... Dad isn't coming. Shocking, I was there, I know, but sometimes it just doesn't seem real.
From there we went a few blocks West. There's all these fancy restaurants out in this area (13th Street) of Wichita. Like P.F. Chang's and... other stuff. I'd rather they just had some normal food out there. But eventually we decided on Fox and the Hound, which is LAME-ASS. I'd like it if I was a young guy trying to act/look cool. But I'm not that anymore. I'm an old guy who wants to get some food. If you fit that demographic, then I'd suggest you avoid Fox and Hound, if possible.
After dinner we went back to our respective homes, Mom to Mulvane, us to Lawrence. I had a 6 a.m. flight to catch the next morning so we couldn't stick around any longer.
A great trip, with the usual sad moments sprinkled in here and there that we're still not used to.