Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Come see my movie!
Hello friends!
I want to invite you to the Wild West Film Festival this Sunday night in Lawrence... to see my NEW MOVIE!
Time: 7 p.m.
Day: This Sunday
Place: Liberty Hall (ulp!)
Cost: Tickets are $5 to $7 (don't know what that means)
What the deal is: As the link above details, the Wild West Film Festival gives local "filmmakers" 48 hours to make a 5-minute movie. This year Bart and I decided to give it a try, along with our cameraman, Will. We shot a 5-minute comedy called "Ghost Pimp" about a man (Bart) seeking the help of a crappy psychic (me) to rid him of his dead pimp, Tito, who is haunting him. Obviously, our movie isn't very scary (they were supposed to have a scary theme) but we did have fun making it, and hopefully there are a few laughs to be had...
Anyway, we would be honored if you came down to Liberty Hall on Sunday to see our movie, along with the movies of 24 other locals. I've been to this event once before, but that was a few years ago when it was at Granada... I don't know how packed/empty Liberty Hall will be, but we'll be there, with beer in hand. And yes, I will be nervous that our movie will be a huge flop. So come down, watch our movie, and help us out by laughing really hard at our only mildly funny jokes.
Hope to see you there!
"Psychic Seth"
AKA Seth

I want to invite you to the Wild West Film Festival this Sunday night in Lawrence... to see my NEW MOVIE!
Time: 7 p.m.
Day: This Sunday
Place: Liberty Hall (ulp!)
Cost: Tickets are $5 to $7 (don't know what that means)
What the deal is: As the link above details, the Wild West Film Festival gives local "filmmakers" 48 hours to make a 5-minute movie. This year Bart and I decided to give it a try, along with our cameraman, Will. We shot a 5-minute comedy called "Ghost Pimp" about a man (Bart) seeking the help of a crappy psychic (me) to rid him of his dead pimp, Tito, who is haunting him. Obviously, our movie isn't very scary (they were supposed to have a scary theme) but we did have fun making it, and hopefully there are a few laughs to be had...
Anyway, we would be honored if you came down to Liberty Hall on Sunday to see our movie, along with the movies of 24 other locals. I've been to this event once before, but that was a few years ago when it was at Granada... I don't know how packed/empty Liberty Hall will be, but we'll be there, with beer in hand. And yes, I will be nervous that our movie will be a huge flop. So come down, watch our movie, and help us out by laughing really hard at our only mildly funny jokes.
Hope to see you there!
"Psychic Seth"
AKA Seth
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Yup, I'm terrible

Oh well. At least I'm terrible at the Golf Club of California. If you're going to be terrible somewhere, it may as well be nice.
(Actually, I did have one highlight... par three on the back nine, 9-iron, hit it pin high, rolled it left to right, right in front of the cup... we all gasped. Ball stopped about five feet right of the pin. Missed the birdie putt, of course.)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The haircut
Monday, October 27, 2008
Evey got a haircut... from DAD
This time, I gave her the haircut... with an assist from her Godfather, Thomas Lervik Jr. She doesn't have the new 'cut in this pic.... I'll try to get a photo up of the new 'do soon. It looks pretty good. If Adro is happy, you know it must be pretty good!
Here's another photo from the pumpkin patch...
Here's another photo from the pumpkin patch...

Yeah!!! Advance ballot!
Even at age 31, it still gives me a rush to vote. It was super-easy... drove down to the courthouse, handed them my sealed envelope, they thanked me, I was on my way.
Democracy at work!
Appropriate that today, the same day I proudly cast my vote for Barack Obama, I'm listening to Radiohead's "Hail to the Thief," a CD I lost years ago until Will loaned it to me yesterday. "Hail to the Thief" clearly being a shot at George W. Bush (sorry, Greg).
OK... enough politics. I'm just excited.
Art with this post is the cover of my newest 'zine. If any of those bulleted stories look interesting to you, email me and I'll shoot it your way.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The party is over
I had the last 10 days circled on my calendar for a few months now because those were the dates that Will and Lervik visited us.
Lervik flew back on Thursday; Will tomorrow.
What a whirlwind. We played bocce ball, shuffleboard, pool, video game bowling, real bowling... we went and saw the Toadies and People in Planes... we saw the Jayhawks lose two in a row...
we consumed way too many beers (but never reaching the amount that we used to in our heyday)... it was a great 10 days or so.
Evey will ask us for "J.J. and Will" tomorrow, and we'll have to explain that "J.J" lives in Charlotte and Will lives in... Bangkok. "Next time I'll see you, Evey, you'll be four!" Will said to Evey as he left today. How's that for sad?
I thought I got absolutely no photos of the guys over the trip... for some reason, I kept leaving my camera at home. But then I checked just now, and I'm happy that I did get a few photos of us from last Monday night.
Those guys are like brothers to me. Always hard to see them go.
Happy trails, Lerv and Will.

Lervik flew back on Thursday; Will tomorrow.
What a whirlwind. We played bocce ball, shuffleboard, pool, video game bowling, real bowling... we went and saw the Toadies and People in Planes... we saw the Jayhawks lose two in a row...
Evey will ask us for "J.J. and Will" tomorrow, and we'll have to explain that "J.J" lives in Charlotte and Will lives in... Bangkok. "Next time I'll see you, Evey, you'll be four!" Will said to Evey as he left today. How's that for sad?
I thought I got absolutely no photos of the guys over the trip... for some reason, I kept leaving my camera at home. But then I checked just now, and I'm happy that I did get a few photos of us from last Monday night.
Those guys are like brothers to me. Always hard to see them go.
Happy trails, Lerv and Will.
Friday, October 24, 2008
My letter to Papa John's
Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll -- you people support me without even knowing my complaints! That's what friends are for.
Here's my letter I'll be mailing to Papa John's on 9th and Mississippi. Read it, let me know in the comments section -- am I justified in complaining, or do I expect too much from purveyors of pizza pies?
To: Manager, Papa John’s on 9th and Mississippi Street
From: Seth Jones
Dear sir or madam,
I believe you owe me my money back. At the very least, I would like to get my $1 tip back, based on principle.
I came to your restaurant last Friday for the first time. I live on your side of town, so I thought, what the heck, I’ll give this new Papa John’s a try.
Oh, how I regret that decision.
I went to Papa John’s in search of a fast meal for me and my family. It is the sole reason I chose to frequent Papa John’s that day.
Upon entering PJ’s, I was greeted by no one. Sure, there were 10 people working furiously on making pizzas, but no one acknowledged my presence. I stood there patiently hoping someone would say something to me. Finally, a young girl acknowledged that I was there to buy pizza, and she enabled me to do just that.
I could tell that PJ’s was busy. I was there to make a to-go order. I don’t know by what system PJ works when it comes to satisfying walk-in customers, but if me ordering a pizza at that exact moment was an awful mistake, I would expect the friendly cashier to clue me in on such a thing. She could ask if I were in a huge hurry, or if I needed to run a few errands, like getting my taxes done, or reading “War and Peace,” as it may take that long to get me a pizza. But by silently taking my money (and my $1 tip) she left me hanging by not telling me it would be almost 30 minutes before I could leave the restaurant with my pizza.
I paid for my order and sat down. I watched the pizzas churn off the assembly line at an admirable pace. I could tell there was a large order placed – your employees were furiously loading pizzas into large plastic containers. Bully for them on working hard to fulfill that large order.
But what about me, the guy ordering one lonely pizza? If I’m to be stuck at the end of the pizza assembly line, couldn’t I at least be forewarned? Sure, I would have probably taken my business elsewhere that day, but there would have been no hard feelings and I would still be your customer. Instead, I watched 100 pizzas roll out of the oven, but apparently, I was not important enough to sneak my one pie in-between pizzas number 47 and 48 or even between pizzas 82 and 83. I would have to sit and wait until pizza 100 was encased in cardboard before my order would even be considered.
At the 15 minute-mark, I inquired about how much longer my pizza would take. The young woman politely informed me that they had a large order submitted, and my pizza was ‘in the oven’ but not ready at that exact moment. The pizzas continued to pile up behind her while she told me this. Being a patient person who never raises his voice when dealing with customer service people (I worked my way through college as a waiter), I begrudgingly accepted my fate at the end of the pizza line.
I sat at a table this time, expecting my pizza would be ready at any moment (It was in the oven, after all!). The large order seemed to be done now, so the young lady decided to help herself to a slice of pizza from the single-slice rotisserie near the register. She enjoyed her slice while I sat there and lingered.
Finally, after arriving at Papa John’s 27 minutes earlier, my pizza was ready. Apparently the fumes coming off my head were visible, as the young woman sent a young man to do the hand-off, and deliver the pizza to the angry man waiting in the dining room. He nervously handed me my pizza, speaking barely above a whisper. Somehow, the young woman must have known I was absolutely going to ask for my $1 tip back.
Good news – the pizza tasted great. My family enjoyed the pizza once it finally made it home. Also, the price was reasonable.
It was just the treatment and service I received at the restaurant that tarnished this experience.
If you agree with me that 27 minutes (longer if you consider the time I was roundly ignored upon entering the store) is too long to wait for a pizza without any prior warning, then I will gladly accept a refund of my money and will consider this a rare exception to your usual service, and I’ll again try your pizza place (and I’ll take this letter off my blog and also tell my friends that it’s OK to eat there). If you disagree and believe that 27 minutes is an acceptable amount of time to wait, you will hopefully at least send me my dollar back, because we both know that service that slow, without any forewarning, does not deserve the $1 tip, especially for the simple act of ringing in food.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to your response and hope that this first trip to Papa John’s on 9th and Mississippi was an aberration.
Seth Jones
Here's my letter I'll be mailing to Papa John's on 9th and Mississippi. Read it, let me know in the comments section -- am I justified in complaining, or do I expect too much from purveyors of pizza pies?
To: Manager, Papa John’s on 9th and Mississippi Street
From: Seth Jones
Dear sir or madam,
I believe you owe me my money back. At the very least, I would like to get my $1 tip back, based on principle.
I came to your restaurant last Friday for the first time. I live on your side of town, so I thought, what the heck, I’ll give this new Papa John’s a try.
Oh, how I regret that decision.
I went to Papa John’s in search of a fast meal for me and my family. It is the sole reason I chose to frequent Papa John’s that day.
Upon entering PJ’s, I was greeted by no one. Sure, there were 10 people working furiously on making pizzas, but no one acknowledged my presence. I stood there patiently hoping someone would say something to me. Finally, a young girl acknowledged that I was there to buy pizza, and she enabled me to do just that.
I could tell that PJ’s was busy. I was there to make a to-go order. I don’t know by what system PJ works when it comes to satisfying walk-in customers, but if me ordering a pizza at that exact moment was an awful mistake, I would expect the friendly cashier to clue me in on such a thing. She could ask if I were in a huge hurry, or if I needed to run a few errands, like getting my taxes done, or reading “War and Peace,” as it may take that long to get me a pizza. But by silently taking my money (and my $1 tip) she left me hanging by not telling me it would be almost 30 minutes before I could leave the restaurant with my pizza.
I paid for my order and sat down. I watched the pizzas churn off the assembly line at an admirable pace. I could tell there was a large order placed – your employees were furiously loading pizzas into large plastic containers. Bully for them on working hard to fulfill that large order.
But what about me, the guy ordering one lonely pizza? If I’m to be stuck at the end of the pizza assembly line, couldn’t I at least be forewarned? Sure, I would have probably taken my business elsewhere that day, but there would have been no hard feelings and I would still be your customer. Instead, I watched 100 pizzas roll out of the oven, but apparently, I was not important enough to sneak my one pie in-between pizzas number 47 and 48 or even between pizzas 82 and 83. I would have to sit and wait until pizza 100 was encased in cardboard before my order would even be considered.
At the 15 minute-mark, I inquired about how much longer my pizza would take. The young woman politely informed me that they had a large order submitted, and my pizza was ‘in the oven’ but not ready at that exact moment. The pizzas continued to pile up behind her while she told me this. Being a patient person who never raises his voice when dealing with customer service people (I worked my way through college as a waiter), I begrudgingly accepted my fate at the end of the pizza line.
I sat at a table this time, expecting my pizza would be ready at any moment (It was in the oven, after all!). The large order seemed to be done now, so the young lady decided to help herself to a slice of pizza from the single-slice rotisserie near the register. She enjoyed her slice while I sat there and lingered.
Finally, after arriving at Papa John’s 27 minutes earlier, my pizza was ready. Apparently the fumes coming off my head were visible, as the young woman sent a young man to do the hand-off, and deliver the pizza to the angry man waiting in the dining room. He nervously handed me my pizza, speaking barely above a whisper. Somehow, the young woman must have known I was absolutely going to ask for my $1 tip back.
Good news – the pizza tasted great. My family enjoyed the pizza once it finally made it home. Also, the price was reasonable.
It was just the treatment and service I received at the restaurant that tarnished this experience.
If you agree with me that 27 minutes (longer if you consider the time I was roundly ignored upon entering the store) is too long to wait for a pizza without any prior warning, then I will gladly accept a refund of my money and will consider this a rare exception to your usual service, and I’ll again try your pizza place (and I’ll take this letter off my blog and also tell my friends that it’s OK to eat there). If you disagree and believe that 27 minutes is an acceptable amount of time to wait, you will hopefully at least send me my dollar back, because we both know that service that slow, without any forewarning, does not deserve the $1 tip, especially for the simple act of ringing in food.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to your response and hope that this first trip to Papa John’s on 9th and Mississippi was an aberration.
Seth Jones
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Bubble breaker bonus
I've been playing this damn "bubble breaker" game on my PDA for, what, a year now? And there's this "bubble breaker bonus" which I never ever get... I assume it's for breaking all the balls on the screen. Since I always leave several behind at the end of every game, I figure this bonus must be pretty good... I mean, I've NEVER (in like, 17,000 attempts) broken all the balls on the screen.
I usually score in the 500s or so. So the bonus for breaking all the balls? It's got to be like 1,000 points or something, right? I mean, at LEAST 1,000 points. But possibly as many as 10 million.
I just broke all the balls for the first time ever. Do you know what the bonus was? 100 freaking points. 100 FREAK-ING POINTS. DAMMIT. Oh, I'm so PISSED!
It's a good thing I'm going to see the Toadies tonight -- I have some anger right now.
100 points? GAAAAHHHH!!! Stupid freaking bubble breaker!!!
I usually score in the 500s or so. So the bonus for breaking all the balls? It's got to be like 1,000 points or something, right? I mean, at LEAST 1,000 points. But possibly as many as 10 million.
I just broke all the balls for the first time ever. Do you know what the bonus was? 100 freaking points. 100 FREAK-ING POINTS. DAMMIT. Oh, I'm so PISSED!
It's a good thing I'm going to see the Toadies tonight -- I have some anger right now.
100 points? GAAAAHHHH!!! Stupid freaking bubble breaker!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Power Play power players
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Dinner with Sadie
These pics were taken at Power Play in shawnee Mission, where Evey and Sadie got to hang out together recently. (It's also at Power Play where we assume Evey got that virus last week.)
Don't the girls do a great job sharing?
Tomorrow, some photos of some of the activities that they got to do at Power Play...

Don't the girls do a great job sharing?
Tomorrow, some photos of some of the activities that they got to do at Power Play...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Must not love dogs
What Made Milwaukee Famous
OK, What Made Milwaukee Famous. Don't know a lot about them, but I'm kinda digging on their album I just got off eMusic, "What Doesn't Kill Us." It's not angry or hard-driving (like most of my music), but it's pretty decent. I can see Lervik digging these guys. There's some keyboard, some echo effects, some cool layers. Solid vocalist.
Check out this video. It's a pretty cool video, and it has an awesome surprise guest star at the end. Here's a hint: It's an Austin band...
Check out this video. It's a pretty cool video, and it has an awesome surprise guest star at the end. Here's a hint: It's an Austin band...
Danny P called me two Fridays ago and had a sweet offer for me... Chiefs tix! Whoo! Even better... they were in a hospitality suite! Oh yeah, big pimpin'! I've been to three Chiefs games now, two of the three were in a luxury suite.
Man, that is some hard drinking that I can do at a 4-hour football game with unlimited beer and snacks. I'm pretty sure the Chiefs won, but I don't remember much. I do remember that at the end of the game, a guy came up to me, shook my hand and thanked me for hosting him. I told him it was my pleasure, and I was happy he brought us some good luck.
Anyway, thanks to Danny for setting me up with some sweet seats at the Chefs.

Man, that is some hard drinking that I can do at a 4-hour football game with unlimited beer and snacks. I'm pretty sure the Chiefs won, but I don't remember much. I do remember that at the end of the game, a guy came up to me, shook my hand and thanked me for hosting him. I told him it was my pleasure, and I was happy he brought us some good luck.
Anyway, thanks to Danny for setting me up with some sweet seats at the Chefs.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Kicking back with the cousins
A few photos of Evey and her cousins Jett and Marina.
The inflatable chair was looking pretty bad the next day after the kids all used it as their own mini-moonwalk (as the last photo attests)... but we've got it back to normal now.
Evey is still a little sick. We're anticipating no sleep again tonight. I'll be staying home with her tomorrow... thanks to Adro for staying home with her today. She was plenty whiny (Evey, not Adro) so it wasn't an easy day for either of them.
Adding another business to the will-never-shop-there-again list (joining Cork & Barrel): Papa John's on 9th and Mississippi. JERKS!!!
Evey's sick!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately... busy times coupled with Evey getting really sick last night around 7:30. Adro's home with her now. Hopefully she bounces back soon.
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