When I die, I hope there's a heaven, and I hope I'm let in. Inside, I hope one of the luxuries offered will be a DVD collection (or Blu-Ray Disc, whatever is popular in Heaven) of your entire life. So I can go back and watch any day of my life.
Forget the diary, the journal notes, even home movies. I want the boxed set of my life.
This evening would be one that I'd go back and watch. Consider:
-- the evening started off in a panic, when we couldn't find Evey nor Grandma Judy (she had lost her cell phone, and took Evey with her to get her flat tire fixed)
-- Because of that stress, and some work stress, once we all convened at our hose, we started enjoying Boulevard Wheat to settle us all down
-- Frozen pizzas, cheese and crackers were the menu for the evening
-- the sky turned a crazy shade of yellow/orange, a mix of storm clouds and sunset
-- Adro and Judy finished putting together the Laugh Olympics gift bags while Evelyn did her best to undo said gift bags
-- The soundtrack to the entire evening was that of the Democratic National Convention, where our next president eloquently spoke
OK, it may not seem like much written up like that, but, trust me -- it was an amazing evening. Something about my daughter being this age, and all these things going on -- an election season, Sunday's Laugh Olympics, great weather... throw in the finest beer in the world, on tap (more on that later), and you have just a great slice-of-life evening. One that I'd happily watch again and then let out a pleasant sigh when the movie ended (with me typing away this report on my blog).
Anyway, I must just be in a nostalgic mood. Or maybe I can sense a positive change in the air for our country. While I also can sense how special this time is in my daughter's life, as well as in the lives of the people who take care of her and love her so much.
(I promise, I'm not drunk while writing this. How can I prove this? Observe: "ZYXWVU"... ah, screw it. You'll just have to trust me.)
Tomorrow, TGIF. This weekend? Get ready for KU football as well as for the 7th Annual John Wake Laugh Olympics (http://www.laugholympics.net/)! Should be a great time. I just need to remember to take the time to enjoy it. In case those DVDs don't exist when you die...