Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I'm wide awake, it's morning.
- Don't know why I'm awake at 3 a.m. this morning. It could be any reason:
Maybe it's because I started reading a book about the Bataan Death March last night.
Maybe the movie 'Cloverfield' is sticking with me (was I having a nightmare? I really don't remember)
Maybe I wanted to listen to Radiohead's 'In Rainbows' really bad.
Maybe I just went to bed too darn early.
- Hmm. No worries. I'll still get another three hours of sleep, and meanwhile, I can update the blog, which I hadn't done since Monday, or so.
So, the results of our latest poll... it was a weak poll, I'll admit. I asked 'what band is Evey rocking out to,' just to test the musical mettle of Evey's readers... I don't need to do that, if you're here, you're obviously a brilliant individual who knows a lot about the ways of the word. Regardless, it was indeed the Rollins Band that was singing, "Get some, go again" in Evey's most recent video. Eight people correctly said so, while one person guessed the Pixies and one person guessed Black Flag (in which Rollins was a member of before they broke up). I was the one that guessed the U-Foes twice, just to mess around. If there's a band called the U-Foes, I'd be surprised. The only U-Foes I know of are an old enemy of the West Coast Avengers, so, yeah, that was only funny to me. And maybe Travis.
There is a new, slightly better, poll. Hopefully you'll feel inclined to vote in this one as well.
I'm looking back and finding plenty of typos. This is a good sign. Maybe I should get back to sleep soon.
Before I go, I want to tell you what I thought of CLOVERFIELD...
There is no message to be taken from Cloverfield, no lesson to be learned. It's just four twenty-somethings RUNNING FOR THEIR FREAKING LIVES. FROM A MONSTER.
If that sounds bad to you, I'd suggest you avoid this movie.
The whole movie is seemingly shot on one camcorder. So yeah, the camera bounces like crazy. I'll be honest, I got pretty nauseous, I had to take a 10-minute break at one point. I'm not real good with motion sickness type stuff anyway, for example, I'm not very good at reading a book in a moving car, it makes me sick most of the time. for Cloverfield, I got up, feeling a little sweaty, like I might need to throw up, I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, then got a Sprite (Sierra Mist now. Why is it Sierra Mist everywhere? Do the kids not find Sprite hip?) and went back into the theater. I wanted to take a few more minutes to feel better, but I couldn't stand not seeing what was going on. I went back in.
The thing about this movie, to me, was that I felt like I was in the movie -- like I was one of the characters. I felt like I was 'Hud' and I was the one filming this thing, and I was simply looking through the eye of the camcorder. This really sucked me into the film, obviously.
The characters are OK (kinda dumb), the story is pretty basic... but the action is just off-the-charts. And not in a Die Hard vein, but in a 'we're running for our lives, we have very little chance of survival here, people!'
The climax was amazing. It really made me forget that I was in a movie theater. It made me feel more like I was in a fantastic nightmare, one where you're tossing and turning for the entire time, but then, suddenly, something in your mind suddenly grants you an easy-to-fire bazooka, or a giant hammer, and you suddenly think, 'Hey, I might actually WIN in this nightmare!'
And then, the epilogue... I really wanted to high-five my buddy Sean, because I didn't know exactly how it would end, but the end they gave me was very satisfying.
So, yeah, BIG THUMB'S up. I wish it didn't make me sick but it was worth it.
(By the way, the movie wasn't ever grotesque or anything... there's not a ton of blood and guts.)
I look forward to watching this on DVD so it isn't as hard on my equilibrium. But this is something you should see in the theaters, especially to get the full impact of the sound. Sound is important in this one, my friend.
I'll stop rambling now. Good night (morning).
Sunday, January 20, 2008
We're shootin' basketballs...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Maaaagic bullllllet!
OK, I took the day off Friday, and yeah, I had a margarita. Or four.
The secret ingredient to a frozen margarita is lime sherbet! All I had was orange, but you, know, it was still pretty darn good! I actually like the magic bullet, except I immediately asked myself, "How do I makle a pitcher's worth?"
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Margot & the Nuclear So and So's
- If you're itnerested in joining an on-line music club, I'd suggest eMusic. I got roped in when I saw an ad in Rolling Stone -- their offer of 25 free tracks hooked me. And I've stuck around for about, oh, four months so far. It's $9.99 a month, and that gets me about three CDs a month. (It also keeps me out of Best Buy a bit, though I did drop some cash at Love Garden last weekend -- I got Air, Against Me! and the new BBoys) eMusic is all indy music, so you won't find Green day or the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but they do have some big-name bands, and some really great small bands. So far I've downloaded: The White Stripes, Elliott Smith, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Arcade Fire, Cake, Spoon, The Eels, Rakim, Harvey Danger, John Lee Hooker, Minus the Bear, Soul Coughing, and yes, Margot & the Nuclear So and So's, who I'd also reccomend. Great voice, a little Elliott Smith but not as sad. (If you do sign up, let me know so I can get my free 50 downloads for sending business thier way.)
- Played like crap tonight in the b-ball game. I started off badly, finding out that I only had one contact lens 20 minutes before the game. After I ran to the eye doctor, I made it to the game five minutes late. Immediately checked in and shot an airball from three-point land. I think I was 0-for-6 from the field, including having one shot blocked. Pretty happy with my defense though, I believe my guy only scored 2 points on the evening, and for a while I was guarding their 3-point shooter who ended up hurting us down the stretch. Anyway, we lost, 61-52. Tough start to the season, we had one tech and quite a bit of bickering with the other team, the refs and each other.
- I'm taking tomorrow off work -- a day of vacation! I figure I better take it easy for a day before my travel schedule heats up, and with the Golf Industry Show right around the corner, I'm going to be running around a lot. Tomorrow, I hope to work on the guest bedroom, then read a magazine, then have a margarita.
- Happy birthday to comic book amigo Travis Sweeten, who turns 31 today.
- Happy birthday to co-worker Shelly Howard, who turns 30 today.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Lunch at Over-Rated's... er, I mean... Pacha Mama's
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
GWAA entries summary

* Non-Daily – News 39, Columns 67 (I entered two), Features 78 (I entered one), Special Projects 48 (I entered one)
* Daily – News 33, Columns 32, Features 42, Special Projects 15
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Another weekend flies by!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Baby updates

Coming tomorrow... a MUSIC VIDEO starring Evey. I'm serious. (And maybe a new poll, too...) Have a great Thursday. I'm going to bed. (This series of blog posts written to Cracker's 'Kerosene Hat.' Still good!)
Keep Grey away from my little girl!!!
Campus on a roll!

Farewell, Don's Steakhouse
Me and Adro pulled up Saturday night for a chicken fried steak at Don’s Steakhouse. There were no cars in the parking lot, but that’s happened before – after all, it was early, and the employees park in the back, out-of-sight.
But there was a sign on the door: “Closed for remodeling.”
If you’ve been in Don’s, you know it looks like someone’s house, circa 1972. Why remodel? I want a chicken fried steak – the best one in the world, according to my extensive research.
But, my fears were confirmed. This was not a remodel. This was the easy way of saying, “you’ve had your last chicken fried steak from Don’s.”
I’ve celebrated most of my birthdays from the past 10 years at Don’s. Had a lot of fond memories there. Here are just a few:
- One time, Clay screamed a string of exlpetives not fit for this blog, while at Don's (it was part of his story, and he thought we were the only table in there... which, often times, we were). An older couple, clearly appalled, got up and left. It was clearly an embarassing moment. We apologized, but the manager told us not to sweat it -- we were the regulars, and they had never seen those old folks before. (I'm sure they never saw them again, either.)
- The time me, Wake, Wogomon and Ken Moum all went down for lunch from GCSAA. I swore to these guys that this was the best chicekn fried steak in the world, so they wanted to see it in person. The waitress delivers Ken's and he looks at her and says, "uh, yeah... I'm going to tell you right now that I'm going to need more gravy."
- The time me and Adro took Marlan and Carrie there... it was the day after our wedding, I think. Mar and Carrie flew out the next day. Just a happy, memorable moment.
- I had one birthday there with my folks in attendance. Both me and Stark were celebrating our birthdays together, so we had a large group there. My parents wanted to take a group photo. Outside, with the large group, Ryno decided he had to squat to fit in the photo. The resulting photo has everyone smiling, looking good... and then, there's Ryno, squatting and looking like a fool. My folks disliked Ryno for this one reason for a full year. "Who's this friend that ruined this nice photo?" they'd later ask me.
Anyway, there are lots more... but that's enough for now.
Goodbye, Don's Steakhouse. You treated me well.
Cheers, Don’s Steakhouse.