Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Can't find my keys
Rough start to my Tuesday morning... I can't find my keys anywhere. I'm hopeful that I left them at Judy's house (I keep making trips over there to move more of the random stuff we've left behind). I went over there last night to grab an armload of clothes and shoes, and I'm thinking that, with no pockets, I must have left my keys over there somewhere. Adrianne is on her way from work to let me in over there.
In the meantime, you get this photo...
OK, that just made me laugh. In this photo, you see Judy... trimming a plant on her front deck with some scissors while holding a toy baby. She was telling me not to take the photo when I snapped this, so it also looks like she's talking to the plant, to add to the crazy.
We were all coming inside from a shopping trip, I turned around and saw Judy doing this, and with the toy baby, it just cracked me up -- she looked like a crazy woman. And there's the crazy woman's cat with her, too. So I had to take a photo. Gave me a good chuckle. I wonder if anyone drove by and saw Judy with her toy baby and also had a laugh...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Off to Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Weibel's!
We took the weekend to visit Adrianne's Grandma and Grandpa Weibel this weekend. We had a great time, and it was so nice for Evey to meet so many of the Weibel's. We saw Her great-grandma and great-grandpa, her uncles Arlen and Aaron, and her cousins Witney and Courtney.
They all live in Pierce City, Mo., which is about 3.5 hours from Lawrence -- way south down Hwy 71. All the good photos are right here in this post. We look forward to seeing them all again soon!

They all live in Pierce City, Mo., which is about 3.5 hours from Lawrence -- way south down Hwy 71. All the good photos are right here in this post. We look forward to seeing them all again soon!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Meet the Solos
I told Evelyn the other day, "You didn't know Daddy had a brother, did you?" Yup, that's right -- as close to a brother as I've ever had, Mike Abasolo was in the house last weekend. Of course Evey loved hanging out with both Mike and Amanda.
Always good to see the Abasolos, especially great when they make the trek to Lawrence. With three kids, their time is certainly precious. I realize that now, and we've only got one!
While we were golfing with Stuart, Stuart asked how me and Mike knew each other. Mike got into this long schpiel about the kid that always waited for the bus at the junior high and how Mike's dad worked at the junior high... but I finally cut him off and gave him the Reader's Digest version -- best friends since second grade. Best man in each other's weddings. Share a dumb sense of humor, a love for Shawn Kemp and Martin Lawrence, and both come from hispanic backgrounds.
And that pretty much sums it up!
Evey and Sean, Eddie
Had a bunch of friends in town last weekend for the Laugh Olympics. Prior to the opening of the event, a group of us met up at Set 'Em Up Jacks (a nominee for worst-named restaurant in Lawrence, up there with Runza and ...El Crapola) for dinner.
Here's Sean Younger with Evey on the
top photo, Eddie Perret on the bottom. I went to high school with Sean, and met Eddie in college. Eddie has a son named Seth, so he jokes with me that we named Evey to be as close to Eddie as possible.
Evey was a trooper, and stuck it out with us intil about 10 p.m. Everyone was impressed with how chill she was. Let's hope she keeps that mellow demeanor!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Me and Evey sleeping in at the Lake of the Ozarks
I've been over here for a few hours now, so I have some time to post. I took the afternoon off today, I think I got food poisoned last night. Went to bed with an upset stomach, and it only got worse as today progressed. Anyway, I do feel better now... at least secure enough that I won't need to sprint for the restroom at any moment...
Adro snapped this pic of me and Evey while we were in Lake of the Ozarks with the Kamisnki's a few weeks ago. She really caught a cool moment, with Evey smiling right at the camera... we have the same smile here. Awwww....
Working on our new house tonight...
We're over at the new casa this evening, working on the new house. A photo of the exterior accompanies this post. Trust me, it's nicer on the outside. Heh. It's funny walking into what looks like a ghost house on the outside, and finding a modern home on the inside.
The house is 150 years old. It's still got the horse hitching posts out front, as you can see. It's a pretty special place, and we're really looking forward to calling it home soon.
There's a book called "Historic Homes of East Lawrence." This house is the cover shot, believe it or not. The house never appears inside the book, but sure enough, it is right there on the cover. If you're ever at a local Lawrence book store, check out their local section for the book, and you'll see our house. Otherwise, when you're over next, ask me about it... we'll surely have a copy soon.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Evey and Elvira
For a long time now I've wanted to get a photo up of Evey and the great lady who takes care of her everyday -- Elvira! (pronounced, el-VEE-tah)
Elvira is not only the wonderful woman who takes care of our precious little Evey Monday through Friday, she's also family! Somehow. She's a second cousin, or something. Well, at least she's MEXICAN... so you know she's related in some way! (Seriously, Adrianne's grandma Virginia is Elvira's aunt. If that helps.)
Everyday Elvira is teaching her Melosa espanol... today, she's convinced Evey said, "zapatos!" (Shoes!) Caramba!
The cousins!
My sister and her family have finally moved up to Kansas City! In the in-between time, they stayed with us for a day, and I was able to snap this pic of Evey and her cousins having a quick bath together. So cute! Evelyn is closest to the camera, Jett in the middle, helping Evey wash her hair, and Marina is in the back.
We're so excited to have Jess, Mark, Jett and Marina just 40 minutes up the road. Looking forward to more quality time with the cousins!
(Evelyn is almost nine months, Jett is almost 5, and Marina is 14 months.)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
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