Updates from the Jones family, plus, whatever the heck else is on Seth's mind.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Where am I?
Trying to post on my blog, about every night. But Blogger is giving me some type of roadblock, so I can only post from the home PC, not the laptop (and remember, we're still not living at "home" yet... still at Judy's, for now).
Meanwhile, we're all doing great. Evey's got the army crawl down. She's just about ready to start crawling. Get ready, world.
More soon. I hope.
(pictured, Evey and her friend Emily.)
Monday, August 20, 2007
By the way
New stuff coming... I promise
It's just that the month of August is already SO busy, plus, we're in-between houses right now, so it's been tough to update regularly.
Still, I'll try to get stuff up on a semi-regular basis. Don't want to lose all three of my regular readers...
This photo taken three hours ago on Aug. 20th... see, she's getting bigger and bigger by the minute...!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Back from Chicago with NEW PHOTOS!
I’m in the back seat of my Dad’s new Pontiac G6, 50 miles away from Des Moines, Iowa. It’s 6 p.m. We’re on our way back from the Chicago Comicon. Been in Chicago since Thursday night.
I’m so excited to see my family again. Every report from Adrianne was that Evey was getting better and better (she’s had a cold for a few days) and it sounds like they’re doing great. I miss both their cute faces.
While in Chicago, I pulled out a camera I haven’t used in a while. I plugged in the card and found some of the most gorgeous photos of Adrianne and Evey that I have taken so far. They’re included in this post.
It was so neat to find myself surprised by the presence of these photos… almost as if the two of them came up to Chicago to surprise me. It made me realize how much I missed them. And now, I’m only a few hours away from holding them both.
So, the Chicago Comicon. It was CRAZY. I called it a vacation, but in the back of my mind, I knew it was a working vacation. But then I got there and found out quickly that it was just WORK.
(Iowa is really beautiful, by the way.)
I contacted one of my freelance writing outlets, comicbookresources.com, about doing some work for them while I was in Chicago. Attend a couple panels, write up a few stories, email them in, offset some of the cost of the hotel room and sharpen the deadline writing chops a little.
Then Jonah (executive director of CBR) asked me if I was interested in doing more than just a few stories. He asked me if I’d like to lead the charge for CBR at Chicago. Turns out Jonah wasn’t going to be attending ChicagoCon at all, and needed someone there to lead the charge in attending panels, doing interviews, writing copy, directing freelancers, etc. So of course I took on the job. I called in four friends to assist me in getting stories and doing the reporter thing. And per Jonah’s request, I kept all the “big” stories with tight deadlines for myself. We submitted our first batch of material Thursday night. We’ve been almost non-stop since.
Each day I had three panels. The panels lasted an hour each. Immediately following the panel, I’d type up the all the key announcements, questions from the crowd, etc., and try to get them emailed in as fast as I could. Then I was grabbing flash drives from my crew in the meantime, giving their stories a quick read and submitting them as well.
All in all, I think we did a pretty darn good job. The guys are worn out… I think reporting stories was a little more involved then they originally thought. But also, they all proved to be really good writers. In fact, their stories were more often than not better than mine. I was on a tighter deadline, but still, I’m the one that’s been doing this for years. The newbies showed me some really good stuff.
22 miles to Des Moines.
The best panel I got in on was the “Dark Knight” panel. You had to acquire a wristband to gain entry, which was handed to me courtesy of my press pass. In attendance was Gary Oldman (“The Professional,” “Dracula”), Aaron Eckhart (“Thank You For Smoking,” “Erin Brokovich”) and Christian Bale (“Batman Begins,” “The Machinist”). You can read my story here.
OK, we’re pulling into Des Moines for an ice cream break. Marlan just learned that I saw Oldman in Chicago and they're freaking out about it. But hey, they rode the elevator up with Michael Madsen (“Reservoir Dogs”). That ain’t bad.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Happy 8th month birthday, Evey!!!

So Ryno came over to help me move some new furniture... we then grabbed dinner and sat down with Evey. I snapped this shot while Ryno was holding her.
The next photo is of Evey in her crib... she likes to play 'peek-a-boo' in her crib now. So if you're nearby, she'll look at you through the crib and expect a smile!
So 8 months went by amazingly fast... it'll be her 1st birthday before we know it!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
OK, so what's she doing?

I've been meaning to tell you guys for a long time -- Evelyn has pretty much abandoned the sign language to tell us "milk." I think it was mostly our fault. See, Evey also learned 'bye-bye' at about the same time. And that made a lot of people happy. So she started waving 'bye-bye' to everyone, and "milk" was lost in the excitement.
Fast forward to just recently. Evey was thirsty... and she signed for "water," which I didn't even really know we were showing her much. (The sign is like making the "OK" sign and then holding it to your chin) So, make it three things that she'll sign to us -- milk, water and bye-bye. Cool!
What else? She's trying to crawl. She picks herself up in the air, on all fours, butt in the air... and rocks back-and-fourth. And she usually ends up going backwards.
She likes to make this "bbbtttttthhhhhhh!" sound.
She really likes to jump up and down in her Johnny Jump-Up... she just jumps and smiles at anyone who will look.
She plays piano. Well, at least, she likes to slap away on this toy piano her grandma got her. And when she finishes, she'll look at you and wait for the applause.
She's a good eater. She's eating veggies now, like green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, etc. And apple sauce.
And her hair is really growing in.
Sorry for the older, blurry photo... new photos coming soon...
Hello from the new casa!

Well, we've been so busy with the move... here's a sign of progress: I'm blogging from the new casa! Whoo-hoo! I took Friday afternoon off (sorry, boss) to stay home while the cable guy hooked up cable, internet and a phone line.
Now the bad news: Evey is sick. She had a fever of 102.2 Saturday night... so it was a bit of a harrowing evening for us. She's doing better today... lots of naps, lots of water. Here she is with Mom taking a nap... picture taken with my PDA, hence the bluriness.
Anyway, more soon, as things continue to settle down.
Friday, August 3, 2007
MVP of the move? Trish!

And now, for the MVP of the move, the person that gets the BIGGEST thanks... our friend Trish Averill! (Pictured here with her dork fiancee, Eric "Double-Bogey" Neuteboom.)
So a huge THANK YOU to Trish, who lifted about 10 times as much heavy stuff as Eric... Eric kept asking, "Do you have any more blankets, or pillows, that need to be moved?"
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sorry it's been so quiet around here lately. No, the UFOs did not abduct us. Instead, we moved. And it's been crazy, hectic, stressful... you name it.
More to come soon. But for now, a quick photo of Evey (gotta bump the UFO off the top of the page), and a heartfelt THANK YOU to the following movers:
and to Judy Romero for having a lunchtime feast for all of us!
More soon... once we start getting out of all these boxes!
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