Of course, a tip of the hat, a salute, a high-five, a chest bump, a glass of scotch to all the veterans out there who have kept this country free...
It only took me a four day weekend to CATCH UP on things. But I was an animal, and got a lot of $*&@ done. I'm happiest to report that the DVD "Evey's First Movie" is done. (Watch your jokes, fellas!) I probably put a good 12 hours into this project, it was addictive and fun and ultimately rewarding. Now, rather than just a home video of shaky clips and nervous chatter, we have a cute movie with transitions, still photos, cropped scenes and even some music -- Pearl Jam and Coldplay, just to name a few. I burned 7 copies and mailed out a few to close family. I know nothing is more boring than someone else's home video, but if you'd like to see a copy, let me know. Besides one cute baby, it's a good demonstration of what a system like Adobe Premier can enable a computer illiterate like me to do with his home movie clips. And yes, I'm VERY happy with the system's performance. A+.
The photo with this post is of my Mom, June, and Adro's Mom, Judy, with Evey on Mother's Day. We all (my family, the Johnsons, my mom and dad and Judy) all met up in Emporia to enjoy a dinner together. While the Applebee's let us down in the food department, it was nice to make everyone's drive a little shorter so we could all be together.
And yet another sign that I'm 30: I sprung for the check, the first time I've done a dinner bill of the extended family. I was on scholarship for many years, always being the youngest, the rookie, I was taken care of. I felt it necessary to finally step up and buy whatever my Mom misordered. Now, don't get me wrong, I've bought at Rick's or at Hardee's before. But this was different. And you know what? It felt good.
Just like the piece of jewelry I bought Adrianne for graduation. Feast your eyes upon that sparkly necklace next time you see it. Just don't look too long, that's my job.
See you all back at the plant on Monday. I hope your weekend was as productive as mine.