Thursday, March 29, 2007

An actual conversation with my wife

SJ: I already know what I'm wearing to work tomorrow.
AJ: Oh?
SJ: My gray John Wake golf shirt and khaki pants.
AJ: But, honey, you can't wear gray and khaki together.
SJ: Why not?
AJ: They don't go together. It's like brown and black -- would you wear brown and black together?
SJ: (Thinks) Uh... No.
AJ: OK, well, gray and khaki is like brown and black!
SJ: Oh. OK, good to know... I... wait a second -- I wore gray and khaki together today!!!
AJ: I know, honey, I know...

The bad news post

Sorry, we've got some bad news, too.

1) A friend of Adrianne's family, Wayne, died this week after suffering a stroke. I met Wayne and his wife, Jody, briefly at our wedding, seemed like a real genuine guy. Adrianne and her mom are heading down to Norman, Okla. for the funeral on Friday. Our condolences go out to his family.

A nice story loosely about Wayne (keep in mind I only met him once, so I really have no anecdotes about the man): Adrianne was telling her co-worker friend, Rich, about Wayne's death.

"What's his name?" Rich asks.
Adrianne tells him.
"Was he Indian?" Rich asks.
Adrianne says yes.
"Was he a big guy?" Rich asks.
Adrianne says yes.
"Was he really sweet?" Rich asks.
Adrianne says yes.
"I went to school with that guy!" Rich shouts.

2) Evelyn has a hernia.

We noticed it when she was about three days old. But the doctor told us not to worry about it. But we continued to worry about it. Upon the fifth or so sighting of the hernia, I took photos and brought the laptop with me to the doctor to better illustrate what we were seeing. "Oh, she has a hernia," the doctor tells us.

The good news is that this is a really common surgery that isn't supposed to be a big deal. If Evey weren't so young, we'd be able to have the surgery done and get out of the hospital the same day. But instead we have to spend the night, which is a bummer but also good that we'll be around trained professionals following her surgery.

Evey has the operation April 19th.

She's doing great -- the hernia doesn't hurt her at all. She was born with it, and it's just something that needs to be fixed with a stitch inside the muscle walls of her stomach.

Sorry for the bad news post. I hate it when real life gets in the way of cute baby pictures. But we're doing really well. Thanks for your concern.


Just what I feared... I'm getting worse with each round.

Me, Neuty and Anj went out to Alvamar for a quick nine holes. I shot a 57, Ande a 50, Neuty a 44, I think. He was on a mission, mad because I posted here that I beat him last week. He finished his round out going par, par, birdie, bogey. Pretty fierce.

I had no highlights. Didn't putt very well. Didn't drive very well. Mid-range irons were mediocre. This is not the direction I wanted to go before heading to Sage Valley next week.

Maybe it was because I had a few beers on the course... but not many, three spread out over three hours. Maybe it was because I was rushing my shots? Or eager to watch them? Or that I was trying to muscle the ball around?

In all honesty, I think my biggest problem was lack of concentration. I just was having a good time, popping off jokes, not really worried about my golf score... and my golf score showed it.

I'm pretty sure Neuty hit a bird on No. 9. He blasted a drive (he was crushing the ball all day) and as it flew off into the horizon, I noticed a smattering of birds approaching from a 90-degree angle... and then, suddenly, it looked like one of the birds suddenly dropped a few feet, only to continue flying. I shouted, "Dude, you hit that bird!" And then Ande and Eric looked at me like I was crazy... so maybe my eyes played a trick on me. Maybe three beers in three hours is enough to make me see things.

Or maybe Neuty is just a bird killer.
(OK, now that I've downloaded my photos, I see why I'm terrible at golf -- look at my form! I look all hunched over, more weird angles than a pretzel. After seeing this photo, I should just quit. Gah!)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Random movie reviews

Some movie reviews from recent rentals and trips to the theaters... this is recycled material from Pulp Legacy (issue 35), so if you happen to read that publication, feel free to skip. The language may be more colorful than usual too.

This is part one of two...

The Pursuit of Happyness
… should be called the pursuit of crappiness. Wow, this movie was terrible, I mean, terrible. It’s over two hours of pure misery, with approximately 32 uplifting seconds. If I wanted to feel bad about money, I would have stayed home and balanced my check book.
I challenge you to find a worse Will Smith movie.
Zero out of 10 stars. Just, an absolute piece of crap.

Glen or Glenda?
Got this one from the library. An Ed Wood movie. It was so bad and weird and bizarre… seriously, in the middle of the film, during a critical moment, the picture splits, and inexplicably, a heard of buffalo start rushing across the screen. Adrianne bought me a boxed set of Ed Wood stuff for Valentine’s Day; I’m betting his sci-fi stuff is more unintentionally funny.
Still, better than Pursuit of Happyness.
Three out of 10 stars.

Dukes of Hazzard
I remember Rolling Stone lambasted this film, gave it zero stars, really gave it the business. That disappointed me because I was looking forward to the movie, I was a huge fan of the Dukes when I was a little boy. And I’d grown to respect Rolling Stone’s movie reviews, for the most part.
I saw it at the library and grabbed it.
What the hell? This is exactly what I was hoping for in a Dukes of Hazzard movie. What crawled up Rolling Stone’s collective ass? (Besides George Bush)
The General Lee jumps, Daisy Duke struts, the screen pauses during cliff hanger moments and gives the voice-over, Boss Hog is evil and money-grubbing, Cletus is inept, the Duke boys are our heroes, and it’s all light hearted, cheeky fun.
All in all, it’s a great movie.
There were three laugh-out-loud funny moments for me. That’s pretty solid, considering many comedies barely evoke one laugh from me. The script in this one was smart, clever. It takes the Duke boys out of Hazzard county to Atlanta, where they draw ire for the stars and bars on the roof of the General Lee – a good modern spin on the Dukes. Then they crash a big city college, taking the Duke boys out of their element for more fun. And then it’s back to the farm for the wrap-up.
There are hillbillys, leggy women, homemade explosives, and the General Lee looks great airborne.
One complaint: it looks like the director got caught up in the “drifting” fad and made the General Lee drift on too many occasions. Totally unnecessary. That’s like starting over the Rocky series, but this time he’s an ultimate fighter. Blah.
But a great 2-hour joy ride for anyone that enjoyed the Dukes as kids.
An astounding 8 out of 10 stars.

Rocky Balboa
Speaking of the Rock, I did go see Rocky Balboa when it came to theaters. It’s like Star Wars, folks. We grew up loving Star Wars, well, I grew up loving Rocky movies, too. It’s just that one’s geared to jocks while the other is geared to Star Trek geeks. But all are geeks, right?
And even if there was a Phantom Menace of Rocky Movies (Rocky 5), then you still go see it, just to see what they’re doing with the character.
Well, good news – Rocky Balboa, the sixth installment, wasn’t all that bad. Sure, I was drinking to get through it, and there’s a lot of build up and not much fighting, but it’s worlds better than Rocky 5.
All the silly characters are eliminated, and we focus on Rocky, his business, and his one-and-done comeback.
Not great, but not awful, either.
Five out of 10 stars.

The Illusionist
A rental here, we’ve got Edward Norton as Eisenheim the Illusionist, Jessica Biel as Sophie the love interest. Paul Giamatti is the local inspector.
Norton is a magician of sorts, and his childhood love, Biel, is rediscovered years later, but now she’s the fiancée of local asshole, the Prince. The Prince hates Eisnheim because he’s an asshole.
And the movie itself wraps up like my last sentence. With little explanation and a lot of assumption. And you find yourself going, “What?”
It’s like it was written as a children’s book – say, Encyclopedia Brown – but then it was mixed up and Hollywood tried to pass it off as Sherlock Holmes.
The thing I liked about the movie is it is pretty. The style, the era, the filters – make a good looking movie.
And the movie is interesting for the first two reels.
And then the wheels come off in the end.
Four out of 10 stars.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The $5.99* special

We learned a lesson today.

We took Evey to Wal-Mart for the $5.99* special on studio photography. We've never done this, probably for a reason, but Evey's only going to be 3.5 months old for a short time, so... let's take her in and see how it goes.

The photographer was an odd sort. She wasn't very good at posing Evey. And the backgrounds were all shoddy. Luckily, the Easter photo we were trying to get did not turn out, because we learned at check-out that the photos won't be available until after Easter.

The photographer really stressed to us that, "This is the $5.99 shot." But she should have said was, "Now we start ripping you off."

We took six different poses, of various levels of success. The $5.99 shot you gotta buy, because that's the only reasonable one. There were two other shots we wouldn't minded having. If we wanted both of them, we'd walk out of there dropping some $80. So we settled for just the one extra shot that we both really liked... and still walked out spending $50.

And then when the gal rang it up, she asked Adrianne for $78 or whatever, and Adrianne was like, "What?" And then the photog was insouciant, "Oh, sorry, I meant... $48.59." Whatever.

And like I said, then Adrianne asked when we'd get the photos at this point. "They should be available the Wednesday after Easter." Wow, maybe you could have mentioned that the moment we asked you to set up the Easter scene for the baby? Do you think that was an Easter shot? Or Christmas? Or maybe we just like bunny rabbits and plastic eggs a lot?

The good news is this has reaffirmed a passion for taking photos of Evey myself... I do just as good a job, and Evey will actually smile for me, and I'm not out to rip us off. Plus, no wait on my photos... they're available right away.

So stay away from Wal-Mart photo studios. Stay away from Wal-Mart in general, you know what I mean, but there's just another reason to detest those guys.

And in hindsight, I wish Evey woulda flipped off the Wal-Mart photographer.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Grandma Judy makes everyone smile

Grandma Judy just finished what she described as her "best spring break ever."
No, she didn't go to Panama City; She was not a Grandma Gone Wild.
She stayed right here in Lawrence, Kan., and took care of little Evey Jones all week long. Me and Adro would be getting ready for work, and in would walk Grandma Judy, usually with a few books, and always with some food she'd cook that day.
She helped with our laundry, our omnipresent dirty dishes, she cooked dinner... she did everything but Adrianne's homework. And she saved us a week's worth of cash that would normally go to our regular daytime babysitter.
And like I said, when it was all over, she called it her best spring break ever.
Another thing that just dawned on me -- both me and Adro got sick this week, me on Monday, Adro on Tuesday. And she took care of us, too.
So you see, she really took care of our whole family this week. We tried to say thank you yesterday by treating her to dinner at Ixtapa, but we're going to have to do better than that to really say thanks for all she did for us this week.
So thank you again, Judy, for being Evey's favorite spring breaker in all of the world this week.

Game day

Happy Saturday.

Big day here. We're going to pick up the house. Then we're taking Evey to Wal-Mart to see about getting some studio photos done. (Hopefully Evey doesn't flip off the camera person, like she's doing in this photo.)

Then, Kansas Basketball at 6:05 p.m.

We're ready, we have our game faces on.

Prediction: Kansas 81, UCLA 72.

Rock Chalk!

Evey has a new friend

Ava Crystal was born on Monday. She was 19 inches long, 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and as healthy as can be. Congrats to Chris and Marie, first time parents!

What a beautiful baby girl!
Look for Evey and Ava to be the starting backcourt for the 2025 Kansas Lady Jayhawks...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Let's go Jayhawks!

It's about game time!! I'm PUMPED!

I don't think the Salukis can hang with us. I think we'll take them out of their game. I think we'll score 81 points to their 65.

I think we're gonna Rock Chalk it to the Elite 8, baby!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fifty posts!

Fifty posts! Whoo-hoo!

We're still charging hard here at Especially Evey. Thanks to everyone who still humors me and checks in regularly on the Jones family blog.

I've got lots and lots more stories and photos for the next 50 posts.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Warning: golf post. But there may actually be an interesting tidbit in here, too...

Shot a 54 on the front nine at Alvamar public last week. Me and Eric got out there right after work on a gorgeous day and found an empty tee box awaiting us. Plus, the kid at the counter gave us both discounts for being GCSAA staffers.

As I walked past the putting green, I spotted one of those obscene Taylor Made golf bags with a name stitched in it -- the kind you see Tour players toting around. It was Chris Thompson's bag. Chris is a former KU golf standout who went through Q-school last year and walked away with full-time Nationwide, part-time PGA Tour credentials. He's married to my work colleague Jessica. I covered him on the GCM blog a little bit, talking to Jessica about the stresses of going through Q-School.

I introduced myself and Chris recognized my name and thanked me for the exposure we gave him. He's heading to Le Triomphe CC in Louisiana for this weekend's Nationwide Tour event. Real nice guy, we wish him and his family all the luck, naturally. I told him to remember GCM when he's hoisting the Wanamaker Trophy some day, he said he hopes he gets that chance.

Anyway, it's not everyday you bump into a Tour player at Alvamar public's putting green...

The other notable from this afternoon round? I beat Neuty. I've probably beat him at the Orchards before, but that doesn't really count. I think I bested him by... two or three strokes (you owe me one, Neuty).

My round was not nearly as good as my previous round at Eagle Bend. Mainly, my putting was terrible. But the good news was I still hit some good drives, and I also hit a couple of solid second shots. My only par was on No. 2. And then I got cocky, and then blistered a drive on No. 3. As we walked up that fairway, I told Eric to remember this moment in the golf season later this year, for when I'm terrible again. And then I instantly became terrible again, skulling my second shot, and walked away with a bone-chilling triple bogey.

Neuty, on the other hand, derailed his round when he made mention of the Lervik meltdown of 2006 on No. 5. I know not to mention said event anywhere near a golf course, for fear something similar will happen to me, and I'll then have to take my clubs to an exorcist.

Anyway, a little disappointed to shoot 54, but it's a tougher course than Eagle Bend, and my putting was lousy, so I'm happy with just the 'W' over Neuty.

My hope is to post my golf scores here all season, so I can chart my regress. Those posts will be denoted by just a number as the title (54). That may be embarrassing to me later this golf season, but it's designed to protect the innocent (read: Stacy Rinnert) who check Evey's blog everyday and could give a crap about my lousy golf scores.

At least I'll be able to include pretty golf course pictures with these posts, like this one, from Augusta National during the 2005 Masters, on the par three course.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

10 minutes to game time

I'm PUMPED. I feel good about our chances. Prediction: Kansas 83, Kentucky 70.
Just talked to my bro-in-law, MJ. He's nervous. He thinks since this UK team has been having a rough go of it, that Tubby will have his team fired up for us.
Game time, baby. Game time.

The next address

Yesterday me and Adro went over to 9th and Pennsylvania, where we hope to be moving into a new house soon. Well, the house is 120 years old but, you know, new to us.

Adro's grandparents own the house, and the Romeros are rennovating the casa. It's a three-bedroom, three-level house. We got Evey's room painted, and half of the master bedroom painted.

Grandma Judy will be right across the street, and Adro's uncle Mike will be right next door. A good place for the Jones Family to be.

I love the house we're in now, but it'll be great to get in this new house... it's bigger, has a basement, an extra bathroom... it'll be a good, welcomed change.

Be prepared for me to be asking you for help moving in a few months.

The world is a canvas

Wow, folks. I've got one of those I'm-never-drinking-again hangovers from St. Patty's Day. Whew!
Me and Evey are chilling today. Evey knows that Dad was a little crazy last night, so she told me, "Silly Daddy!" and then agreed to take a long nap with me. What a good girl.
She's talking a lot lately. Making new noises. Experimenting with different volume levels. My favorite noise is a "cooooooh!" she makes. I've decided that's her, "I love you!"
Check out that photo. I'm drawing a comic book, and Evey is mesmerized by the pen strokes on the paper. Everything is so new. She was enthralled with the aquarium at the bank the other day. This morning, she watched as a Coke poured over ice fizzed then became fluid.
She likes to watch TV, apparently. Especially college basketball and cartoons. Brightness along with movement, I think, is the key. She hates American Idol.
The Jayhawks tip off at 4 p.m. Evey's got on her red KU Jayhawks T-shirt, KU socks and KU pacifier. We're ready for game time, baby!

Friday, March 16, 2007

DP in the house!

He even brought some Heineken... we're full-swing, baby. Enjoy your day at work, suckas!

Eyes on the prize

Evey won't even take her eyes off the college basketball for a photo!
Did you notice that during the UNLV game, whenever they showed a close up of the action, you could see the words "KANSAS JAYHAWKS" reflcected backwards in the backboard? A good sign...


It has begun!

I'm taking the day off to stay home with the baby and celebrate properly, our first day of March Madness together. We had to put the magazine to bed yesterday, so I didn't get to watch many of the day games. I did get to join the Rinnerts at their casa to see the Dukies go down last night. Boo-yeah!

Today is all March Madness... last year I was in New Orleans on this opening weekend. Quite a 180 from one year to the next, eh? Last year I was in one of the most depressing places I'd ever been, working my ass off. This year I'm a happily married father, excited to burn a day of vacation and watch games while holding my little baby Evey (who currently is sleeping in this morning in her bassonet).

Danny P will be joining us for the Madness... you'll probably see a few posts today of what I expect to be a truly great day!
(By the way, I'm a sophomore in college in that first photo, in New Orleans when we lost to Kentucky in the second round... 1998? The next photo is again in NO, at the Superdome, for the KU/Marquette final four game. The last photo is from our seats for the KU/UK game in 98, also in the Superdome... quite a different view, eh?)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Over the hills and through the woods

To Grandmother's house we went.

Down the turnpike to exit 47. As far as Evey has ever been from Lawrence. She did great on the road, no problems.

Grandma Joyce and Grandpa Nick were so happy to meet baby Evey. And cousin Marina stopped by too, that's when I snapped this classic photo.

Me and Jett

At my Grandma's house this Saturday. All-American, eh?

Thursday, March 8, 2007


That's my wife, Adrianne, with her little look-alike, Evey. What can I say? She's beautiful, smart, funny, and from what I can tell so far, she is one heck of a mom.
We've been together since January 2004. We've been to Mexico, Portland, Orlando, San Diego together... and we plan on going lots more places, too.
When did I know Adro was the woman for me? When I was in San Diego with her, on the expense account, on Valentine's Day. I told her I'd take her anywhere she wanted to go for dinner, money was no object to this high-roller. Where did she want to go? The nearby burger joint -- called "Boll Weevil's." After our greasy cheese burgers, we played the jukebox all night and just chatted the evening away. Our relationship was three weeks old at the time.


That's my pops, Boyd. Now you know where I get my dashing good looks. And my killer jumpshot.

When my dad isn't watching the Jayhawks on his big screen TV, he's wrecking city buses.

I'm teasing him a lot here, but in all seriousness, every day I'm aspiring to be as good a man as my dad is.

Johnson & Johnsons

That's my beautiful sister Jessica, and her beautiful family -- Jett, Marina and husband Mark (MJ).
They live down in Wichita. My sister is the marketing director for the city of Wichita. Marina is the official outfitter of her cousin Evey -- there's a good chance on any day you see Evey that she's wearing one of cuz Marina's hand-me-downs. Evey is very happy that Marina is such a stylin' little girl.
I know Mark and Sis are going to the Big 12 Tourney this weekend. I think they're bringing back a Big 12 Tourney championship...

My Mom and my baby

That's my Mom, June, with her co-co-favorite grandchild, Evey. Mom has three grandkids now, Jett, Marina and now Evey. Marina and Evey are only six months apart from each other! That's really cool, because my sister is seven years older than me, I think it's cool we'll have kids so close in age now.

Anyway, more photos of my family to come...

Because we just went three posts...

without a picture of Evey...!

Say hello to Baby Manning

As in DANNY Manning, not Peyton Manning. He was even born on the 25th of January -- Danny Manning's number at KU was 25.

Manning is the son of Shelly, who I've probably worked with longer than anyone else. Because we worked together in college, at Willie C's Bar and Grill, and now we work together at GCSAA. She's our senior publications coordinator/ad traffic specialist/I really don't know her proper title.

It's neat how our lives have intersected so many times, and now we've got babies that are six weeks apart in age.

Jonesey's Super-Deluxo Nacho Especial

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Me and Evey's last day off together

Well, we went out like champions. After six weeks, I'm back to work in a mere 9 hours... check out what we did today, though!

  • Slept in

  • Made a huge breakfast for lunch for me and Adro

  • Went and saw Grandma Judy at the Perry Middle School, where she's librarian

  • Went to GCSAA to say hello to the work crew, and model the jacket that my boss Bunny made for her

  • Went to Rick's Place to meet the crew there

It was a very good last day.


Not that you really care, but... I shot 100 at Eagle Bend yesterday. That's probably my best 18 ever.

Everything was working reasonably well for me. The 3 wood was large and in charge. The chipping was decent. And the putting wanted to be brilliant, but I only had two longs putts actually drop -- another 7 or 8 missed by an inch or two.

Highlight of the day for me was my third shot on the par five No. 9 at the Bend. My golfing buddy, Pedro, bets me a beer at the turn, loser of this one hole buys. An iffy drive puts me on a side-hill lie, but I catch a 7-iron just perfect and advance the ball a good 150 yards. I'm a ways away still, just short of the two giant trees on the left side of the fairway (lets say 190 yards). Got a nice lie. The flag is in a nasty location, on the left side of the green, elevated green, guarded by bunkers -- you can't see any green in the area where I want to go, but the right side of the green is visible. Grab the 7-iron again, swing for the stars. Catch it perfect. Finally, I measure the right club and my first bounce is just over that bunker and on the collar. A couple bounces, and I'm sitting 12 feet right of the pin.

The bad news: Horrible cut on the cup, it's at a downward angle facing away from me. I give it a run, miss it, the ball leaks 8 feet away from the cup. Now I'm in trouble of three-putting. But I slow down, looking at an uphill putt now, and drop it for the par and the free beer. Victory is mine.

Shot an even 50 on the front. On the back, I blew up on No. 12, carding a 9. By No. 16, I'm saying goodbye to breaking 100, Pedro gave me hell for the negative attitude. But it didn't look mathematically possible -- I'd need a few birdies, etc.

Well, wouldn't you know my math was bad. After a par and a bogey, I stepped up to No. 18 needing a double bogey to get to the house at 99. Easily done, right? Lousy drive. Weak second shot. Third shot flirts with out-of-bounds. Fourth shot -- bunker.

Get on the green from the bunker, but left with a 15-footer for 99. I wanted the 99 so I went after it aggressive, missed it, the downhill slope rolled me away from the cup again, this time about 8 feet. Now I'm staring this one down for 100. Pedro got really quiet and watched, he knew what I was going for.

Middle of the cup. 100! First time ever.

And now, of course, I'm dying to get out there again.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Evey in the Lawrence Journal-World

Ha! My kid is a star.

Click here. Go down 12 photos and check out little Frank, grandson of my boss, Ed Hiscock, at Shedd Aquarium.

Then go down 8 more photos and check out Adro, Grandma Judy, Great-Grandma Virginia, and little baby Evelyn Melosa on Christmas day. She was 17 days old there. I submitted the photo a while back and it ran in the LJW while I was in Anaheim. Lots of people have been asking us about it. Good times.

Evey, Mom, Aunt Trish

Big 12 champs, etc.

Did I tell you the other day that Evey was watching the KU game?
Here's photographic evidence. It's a bad photo, but listen, I had to take the camera with my right hand, wrap it around the back of my head over my left shoulder, and shoot from behind the both of us, no-look. It was a tough shot to pull off. I think I did pretty good.
Here's what you're looking at: Evey's facing me. I'm holding her with my left arm. The KU/OU game is on the TV in front of me. That's my (not Evey's) right foot in the distance. And that's Evey's forehead, pointed right at the TV, checking out her favorite BIG 12 CHAMPION Kansas Jayhawks! Whoo-hoo!
Anyway... great weekend, though it went by too fast. The Kansas/Texas game was the best game I've seen all season. What is it about Texas that makes them so exciting to watch? Oh yeah, Kevin Durant. UT/OSU was awesome, and the last A&M/UT game was even better. The KU/UT game takes the cake, though. 25 points in the first half from Durant. KU shoots over 50% in the first half and is the cooler of the two teams. Dunks, three-balls, alley-oops -- the game was a basketball fan's dream. And it even had the right end result, with the Jayahwks cutting down the nets.
Adrianne made me a wonderful dinner Saturday night, a lasagna to end all lasagnas. No more restaurant-bought lasagnas for me, I just want Adro's from now on. I'm gong for round two tonight!
Today we went to Harrah's Casino north of Topeka to see my parents and do a little gambling. The Neutebooms joined us as well. I lost my ass, but Adro got hot in the last 20 minutes and saved the day.
Tomorrow, I'm going to take Evey to Grandma's house in the morning and play a little g-o-l-f. First round of the year. This is my swan song on the FMLA leave, so I want to do something to send it off right... opening the 2007 golf season sounds like the right thing to do.
OK, enough rambling from me, there's some lasagna to consume! Last thing... if you've emailed me recently, I didn't get it -- apparently my work email is down. So, hey, there's your scoop for today for checking Evey's blog!

Friday, March 2, 2007

TGIF part 2

Thank goodness it's Friday.

We got a packed schedule ahead of us. I'm back home for a couple days, using up the last five days of me and Adrianne's combined 12-weeks leave we're permitted from work. Today, I'm donating blood at 11 a.m. Adro is joining her old boss for lunch. Then our friends Jocilyn and Isabella are going to stop by and visit (Bella has a gift for Evey!).

Saturday we have the usual trip to the barber shop and the recycling center. And then the KU/UT battle for the Big 12 regular season crown tips off at 11 a.m.

Sunday, me and Adro are going to Topeka to visit my parents, who will be taking the free bus ride to the casino. And yeah, there will be some video poker played. I need to catch up with my dad and get that second royal flush for $1,000.

Last night, the guys (Arnett, Copy J and Danny P) came over and we assembled Pulp Legacy. The issue is HUGE. Aided by the 70-plus page 'zine Marlan contributed, but still... a tome, is what it is.

Song I'm really into? Silverspun Pickups, "Lazy Eye." I wonder if that CD is any good.

I gave Evey a bath this morning. Woke up early to get ready for my busy day. Evey was happy to have a bath, I think she had nacho crumbs in her hair from when daddy was eating with her on his lap from the night before. Poor girl. But now, she's conked out, sleeping the good sleep. This is a photo of my baby right now, clean as can be, and wearing a knit cap that my cousin Nichol made for her.