Since I'm getting ready for a road trip right now, might as well post about an old road trip before I go...
About three, maybe four weekends ago, I drove straight south to Garnett, Kan., to meet my boy Lervy. Lerv is in Chanute, and right smack in-between us is Garnett, Kan. It's an hour drive for both of us, and wouldn't you know it? They have a golf course.
Our friend Will Baxter -- who lives in Thailand -- actually suggested the trip. he said he ran cross country at the golf course, and it seemed like a nice course, and also it was right between the two of us. Lerv and I started talking about it, and we decided, "you know what? Willy has a good idea there!"
I'm glad WB suggested it, because it WAS a nice course, a nice town, with a nice little bar, and I had great company.
I got there about 45 minutes late -- the previous evening was the day we lost seven people at work, and I spent much of the evening helping Bart tie one on... plus, I got lost south of Lawrence, trying to take a shortcut. But once I got there, it was on. I played like ass, honestly, and Lerv played pretty well. (I'd play three times in less than a week, and that outing with Lervy was by far my worst.) The course was a nice little 9-hole, with some crazy undulating greens. But a solid course, for sure. After our nine holes, we headed to town to watch the now legendary KU/Nebraska game. We found this quaint little towny bar replete with a private room and pool table in the back, so we saddled up back there and let it be known that we were KU fans. As the game progressed, all the patrons came back to say hello and talk KU football with us.
Anyway, a nice way to spend a Saturday. the chicken fried steak was just OK, but that didn't matter -- this was one for the record books. And I'm not just talking KU scoring TDs, I'm talking a memorable day with one of my best friends in the world. Next time, I won't be so hungover, and I'll try to hang with him a little bit better on the golf course.

And since I'm here now, don't expect much action on Evey's blog these next few days... we're on vacation! But I'll try to post when possible.
In the meantime, have a great Thanksgiving! Cheers, everyone.